Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Morning Mentoring

What a great way to start my week! I met with one of my dear friends and mentors, George Toles, here in Seattle on a gorgeous, beautiful Monday morning.

George keeps me on the "straight and narrow" with his mentoring and leadership in the "His Deal" men's group that he leads in downtown Seattle.

Have an awesome day everyone, and find a great mentor like George Toles!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Golf Anyone?

I'm not a big time golfer by any means, but I did have a great time playing golf in Beijing recently. Here I am with my lovely caddie! (Smile!)  She can almost fit in my golf bag! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Former Dallas Mavericks Center Comments on the Latest Dallas Maverick "Center of Attention" Article - August 2012

Every couple of years, the Dallas Mavericks go on another search for a true center... and, yours truly comes to the forefront. (smile!)

We had great teams and I had the chance to play with (and against) some of the greatest players "back in the day" that the game has ever known!


James Donaldson
Former NBA All-Star (Sonics, Clippers, Mavericks, Knicks & Jazz) 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chinese Women go to great lengths to protect their delicate skin article


I just returned from China last week and you see this everywhere you go.  I even saw some women on the airplane on my flight over and back to China, wearing their facemasks.  I've been frightened and shocked a few times already (smile!). 


I do love the beautiful parasols and stylish looks that so many of the ladies wear this time of year!

Chinese Women go to great lengths to protect their delicate skin -

This article is so true, especially now that it's summer in China.  I just returned from one of my many visits to China last week, and even on the airplane, some women were wearing their face masks.  

I have to admit though, I do l love the the beautiful parasols and the stylish look that so many of the women have just about everywhere you go in China during this time of year.