Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Black Collective

A great day of running around and enjoying the day. I went to The Tacoma Pierce County Black Collective meeting this morning in Tacoma. It's one of my favorite groups and I've been going for years. Actually, The Collective has been around itself for almost 40 years now. They meet on every Saturday morning at 8:30am - 10am, 52 Saturdays a year! It's an amazing group consisting of business, political, community and educational folks from all around the region. We discuss just about everything you can imagine, all within an agenda and some good structure to it. Afterwards, I usually head off to breakfast with several friends from The Collective and it's a good time for fellowship and friendship for us all. I drive down from Seattle every Saturday morning just so I don't miss it!

I came back home after that and got a few things done before heading out and enjoying the rest of the weekend.

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