Thursday, August 25, 2011

Standing Above The Crowd - Small Business Entrepreneur's Top 10 Playbook to Business Success #5

A Small Business Entrepreneur’s Top 10 Playbook

As a small business entrepreneur for over 20 years and a former professional athlete with a career that spanned about the same amount of time, I've been able to utilize aspects of both those endeavors that have helped enable me to become a successful small business person.

Like a well played game, all businesses will go through their natural cycles of ebbs and flows.  You, as a small business entrepreneur, need to know when to call a timeout, change out your players or when to run another play.  Sports has taught me the value of team play, camaraderie, working towards common goals, learning from your temporary setbacks and the ability to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on going.

If I were to put together a top 10 list of "must haves" whether you’re a startup company or a well-established business, it would go something like this.

# 5: Peer Networking -

One of the most valuable activities that you can involve yourself with as a business owner is networking with your peers.  There are numerous opportunities for you to get outside of your business and network with other business owners.

There are groups such as the Chambers of Commerce, Rotary, Business Associations, and several weekly or monthly membership-based networking groups.  Make sure that you attend one or two networking activities a month in order to promote your business and find out about those businesses in your community.

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The article "A Small Business Entrepreneur's Top 10 Playbook" was written and submitted by James Donaldson, president and owner of The Donaldson Clinic of Mill Creek, Wa.  Established 1990. 

Donaldson is the author of Standing above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life.  For more information go to  and/or contact him at    

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