Monday, December 31, 2012

James Donaldson Book Review: Catching Fire by Richard Wrangham ****

James Donaldson Book Review: Catching Fire by Richard Wrangham ****


This was a fascinating audio book about some of the early behaviors of human beings.  The author does a wonderful job and the style in which he writes the book, to help the readers get a visual picture of what life must of been like in the very beginnings of human existence.  And he manages to do this without becoming “overly technical or scientific”. 


This would be a great book for anyone to read who's interested in the evolution of humans and how the advent of fire/cooking rapidly begin to shape us into the modern human beings we are today.



Monday, December 24, 2012

James Donaldson Book Review: Bailout Nation by Barry Ritholtz ****

James Donaldson Book Review: Bailout Nation by Barry Ritholtz **** 


Someone reminded me the other day that what our country needs is a “National Crises” in order to do an about-face and get its priorities in order again.  I thought to myself “$16 trillion of national debt… and rapidly growing!!!”, should be crises enough! 


Bailout Nation is an excellent audio book that points out many of the topics and issues that got us into this mess in the first place. I'm not one to “point the finger of blame”, but sometimes we have to realize the situation that we're in.


Unless we get our financial house in order, over the next 10 to 20 years, things don't look so great for our great country.


Bailout Nation is a book that will remind us of the greatness that we once had, and the greatness that we can still hang on to and build upon for our future generations.




Friday, December 21, 2012

Northeastern University - Seattle Campus Grand Opening - Seattle, WA. January 17th 2013

I'll be attending in my new role as a Director for the China Service Centre for Friendship and Cooperation with Foreign Countries Studying Abroad Department.  Should be pretty good! 

Northeaster University/Seattle celebrates the opening of our South Lake Union campus and the launch of our degree programs.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

NBA List Jam! by Pat Williams

For all of you NBA fans out there, take a look at this new book by Orlando Magic Executive Pat Williams. I've got a nice contribution to the book with my list of the Top 10 Seattle Supersonics of All Time on page 316. Can you guess my top ten?



James Donaldson Hanging Out With Mark Brandsma and a lot of Tall Guys from Six-8 Clothing

I had the pleasure recently of helping out my friend Mark Brandsma, owner of Six-8 Clothing, in a video that we shot with a lot of other very tall guys.

Mark is correct in mentioning that it's awfully hard for the extra tall person to find clothing that actually fits, is stylish and comfortable at the same time.

Take a moment to check out the video that we put together, and get behind a great cause, and a great person who's doing a lot of really good things.  If you have an extra tall person in your life that you would like to dress in more stylish clothing, please consider supporting Six - 8 Clothing.  Every bit helps!



Monday, December 17, 2012

Standing Above the Crowd Makes a Wonderful Christmas Gift!

If you're looking for a wonderful Christmas gift for yourself or your loved ones, consider giving a gift that keeps on giving such as my book, Standing Above the Crowd: Executing Your Game Plan to be the Very Best You Can Be.

Go to and order yours today.  I'll personally autograph it as you wish and it'll be there in time for Christmas!

As a special bonus, if you're in the Seattle area, I can arrange for you to pick up your signed books at our physical therapy clinic, The Donaldson Clinic in Mill Creek, WA., or at any other pre-arranged location around town.

Just send me an email at and we can coordinate.

Take care and Happy Holidays to all.

James Donaldson
Author of Standing Above the Crowd



James Donaldson Book Review: A Terrible Glory by James Donovan ****

James Donaldson Book: A Terrible Glory by James Donovan **** 


I’m not typically a fan of “shoot ‘em up westerns” (because they can be so predictable), but I found this book fascinating as it kept my attention throughout and felt as if “I was actually there” at Little Bighorn myself.


The author did a wonderful job in conveying what Custer and his men must have been going through, yet portrayed the victors in this battle… not as savages (as they’re depicted way too often), but as thoughtful, strategic, intelligent men who won a battle.. fair and square.


A really good read for those who appreciate history, yet like the truth to be told as much as possible about both sides of the coin.

