Monday, February 18, 2013

James Donaldson Book Review: The 85% Solution by Linda Galindo ***

James Donaldson Book Review: The 85% Solution by Linda Galindo ***


It was good reading a book for a change that really stresses personal accountability, the matter what happens to us in life.  The downturn in the economy, and a lot of us being "the victim", and when we do that to an overabundance, we can't see our way clearly to come up with reasonable practical solutions.


The author, Linda Galindo, suggest to us some every day, easy-to-follow suggestions, that most likely will make a terrific difference in your life.


Here is just a sampling:


-  Responsibility

-  Self Empowerment

-  What's Done Is Done 

-  Just Say No

-  The Magic Of "And"


By adapting some of these easy-to-follow, and easily implemented tidbits into our everyday lives, we can free ourselves to be better able to handle any situation that comes our way, also we can become better leaders, better teammates and increase our quality of life.


In this day and age where there is so much negativity going around, and it doesn't seem to be much light at the end of the tunnel, it's great to read and uplifting book that will shift some of the spotlight on the help us get through what we're going through.


I highly recommend this book whether you're going through something at this point of your life or not.



Monday, February 11, 2013

James Donaldson Book Review: $20 per Gallon by Christopher Steiner *****

James Donaldson Book Review:  $20 per Gallon by Christopher Steiner ***** (Posted on February 11, 2013)


Can anyone say alternative fuel?

The author, Christopher Steiner, does a wonderful job in laying out the pathway that were all taking towards ever-increasing fuel cost and the implications for doing so.

Our dependency on foreign oil and tax subsidized gas prices is not allowing us to realize the downward spiral that we face economically and environmentally, and the upward spiraling cost of fuel itself. It's time for us to get serious about developing alternative fuel sources and changing our lifestyles and dependency away from also fuel. We have the technology to do it now, so other than the "political agendas" that of course bog everything down, we have to start thinking critically and making decisions that will correct the pathway that were on.

I like the way the author lays out, chapter by chapter, dollar per gallon – dollar per gallon, the effects that we will feel personally, economically, socially and environmentally. I know right now many of us cannot see beyond perhaps a five dollar per gallon cost to ourselves personally, but that day is coming sooner than we think.

I highly recommend this book because it is well written, and it pertains to every man woman and child in this country.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

James Donaldson Book Review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South (And Why It Will Rise Again) ***

James Donaldson Book Review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South (And Why It Will Rise Again) ***


Author Clint Johnson, gives us a different perspective on the South and the roles that the South played in shaping America. Since the Southern Confederates lost the "Civil War", we tend to hear only the points of view of the victorious North, but everything isn't always what it seems.


This book brings out the facts of a lot of people who played significant roles in trying to prevent the country from entering into the war in the first place. The treatment of slaves, by both the North and South, and the roles that so many enslaved people had in shaping our country... that they were willing to fight for, on both sides.


With all of the recent books and movies about President Lincoln and his greatness... was he really all that great? Was he our greatest President? What were his true motives for enacting the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves? I know what the "history books" tell us, but now I know so much more.


The South has been on the move for a while now as it is attracting a lot of the Northern population and companies down that way over the last several decades. Hopefully, our country has learned it's lessons from the past as we now watch over countries around the world fight for their independence. Let's learn from history, but seek out different perspectives on history too so that you have a broader perspective. 



Monday, February 4, 2013

James Donaldson Book Review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South (And Why It Will Rise Again) ***

James Donaldson Book Review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South (And Why It Will Rise Again) ***


Author Clint Johnson, gives us a different perspective on the South and the roles that the South played in shaping America. Since the Southern Confederates lost the "Civil War", we tend to hear only the points of view of the victorious North, but everything isn't always what it seems.


This book brings out the facts of a lot of people who played significant roles in trying to prevent the country from entering into the war in the first place. The treatment of slaves, by both the North and South, and the roles that so many enslaved people had in shaping our country... that they were willing to fight for, on both sides.


With all of the recent books and movies about President Lincoln and his greatness... was he really all that great? Was he our greatest President? What were his true motives for enacting the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves? I know what the "history books" tell us, but now I know so much more.


The South has been on the move for a while now as it is attracting a lot of the Northern population and companies down that way over the last several decades. Hopefully, our country has learned it's lessons from the past as we now watch over countries around the world fight for their independence. Let's learn from history, but seek out different perspectives on history too so that you have a broader perspective. 
