Monday, February 11, 2013

James Donaldson Book Review: $20 per Gallon by Christopher Steiner *****

James Donaldson Book Review:  $20 per Gallon by Christopher Steiner ***** (Posted on February 11, 2013)


Can anyone say alternative fuel?

The author, Christopher Steiner, does a wonderful job in laying out the pathway that were all taking towards ever-increasing fuel cost and the implications for doing so.

Our dependency on foreign oil and tax subsidized gas prices is not allowing us to realize the downward spiral that we face economically and environmentally, and the upward spiraling cost of fuel itself. It's time for us to get serious about developing alternative fuel sources and changing our lifestyles and dependency away from also fuel. We have the technology to do it now, so other than the "political agendas" that of course bog everything down, we have to start thinking critically and making decisions that will correct the pathway that were on.

I like the way the author lays out, chapter by chapter, dollar per gallon – dollar per gallon, the effects that we will feel personally, economically, socially and environmentally. I know right now many of us cannot see beyond perhaps a five dollar per gallon cost to ourselves personally, but that day is coming sooner than we think.

I highly recommend this book because it is well written, and it pertains to every man woman and child in this country.


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