Friday, January 20, 2023

#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – #SuicideIdeation And/Or Attempt With #SubstanceUse And Associated Factors Among The #Youth In Northwest Ethiopia, Community-Based


#Substanceuse is referring to the use of psychoactive substances like chat, cigarettes, #alcohol, and others. The use of substances particularly (#alcohol, chat, and cigarette) is a major #mentalhealth burden in developing countries including Ethiopia among #youth. #Suicideideation and an attempt are thinking or trying to kill oneself that facilitates the act of a person intentionally causing his or her death. #Suicide is one of the most serious #mentalhealthproblems and has a great social impact in the world as it is currently the third leading cause of death for #youth. #Youth is defined as the period of life between #childhood and maturity with an age interval of (15–25).


A cross-sectional study design was used to assess the prevalence of #suicidalideation and attempts with #substanceuse among #youth in northwest Ethiopia. Multi-stage sampling techniques of stratified with simple random sample ware used. In the first stage, substance users are selected then as the second stage among substance users the burden of #suicide #behavior is assessed. ASIST, DASS-21, and other tools were used to assess #suicidalbehavior with #substanceuse and associated factors. Data were edited, purified, and entered into Epi-data version 4.6 before being exported to the statistical package for social sciences version 20 for analysis of bi-variables to see the associations’ p-value

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