Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Small Business Entrepreneur's Top 10 Playbook: Play #1

As a small business entrepreneur for over 20 years and a former professional athlete with a career that spanned about the same amount of time, I've been able to utilize various aspects of both those endeavors that have helped me to become a successful small business person. 

Like a well played game, all businesses will go through their natural cycles of ebbs and flows.  You, as a small business entrepreneur, need to know when to call a timeout, change out players, or when to call another play.  Sports has taught me the value of team play, camaraderie, working towards common goals, learning from your temporary setbacks and having the ability to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on going.

If I were to put together a top 10 list of "must haves" whether you're a start-up company or a well established business, it would go something like this:  (I will send in a new play for you everyday for the next10 days, check back often!)

#1: Have a Vision - 
Where is it that you see your small business in 3 to 5 years?  How do you want your business to look in that time?  How should it be running?  Do you have a business plan?  Do you have a Mission Statement?  Do you have a Vision Statement?  What is your succession plan?

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