Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Small Business Entrepreneur's Top 10 Playbook: Play #4

A Small Business Entrepreneur’s Top 10 Playbook: #4

As a small business entrepreneur for over 20 years and a former professional athlete with a career that spanned about the same amount of time, I've been able to utilize aspects of both those endeavors that have helped enable me to become a successful small business person.

Like a well played game, all businesses will go through their natural cycles of ebbs and flows.  You, as a small business entrepreneur, need to know when to call a timeout or when to run another play.  Sports has taught me the value of team play, camaraderie, working towards common goals, learning from your temporary setbacks and the ability to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on going.

If I were to put together a top 10 list of "must haves" whether you’re a start-up company or a well-established business, it would go something like this. (I'll be sure to "send" in a new play for you everyday until you have the complete list of "Top Ten Plays").

# 4: Empower Your Team -

Equip your team with the resources that they need in order to be successful.  In addition to helping them be successful, you’ll be successful too.  It's tempting to take shortcuts in order to save money, but it's important to keep your team up to speed in this day and age of high technology and development.

Your team will consist of professional advisors and everyday employment personnel.  No matter what position they occupy in your business, it's important that they have the tools that they need in order to help your business be the best it can be. 

Another thing to keep in mind is to delegate responsibility and decision-making capabilities to various personnel throughout your company.  An employee, who feels empowered by the owner, is a much more productive employee.

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