Thursday, December 30, 2010

Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 12)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 12)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.



I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them. 

What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.


James Donaldson
Life Support Medical
1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)

NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players: Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson

(Today there is a special contribution from 8 time NBA Champion from the Boston Celtics, Tom "Satch Sanders)

Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson.  Release date is January 201l.  Pre-order now and save!!!

For details go to
I know that there are a lot of NBA basketball fans out there who will get a kick out of my chapter on my experiences playing against and observing some of the greatest players in NBA history.  I'll send out an excerpt from this chapter everyday leading up to the book release.  I welcome your comments!

One of the most frequently asked questions that I encounter besides “how tall are you?” is either who is the greatest player that I've ever played against, or who is the toughest player that I've ever played against?  Depending on the person’s knowledge of basketball who's asking the question, I typically give a couple different responses. 

There's a big difference between “the greatest” and “the toughest”.

The game of basketball has been around for a long time now and it has evolved over the years from when Dr. James Naismith first tied a peach basket an old barn post and the players were shooting two hand set shots, to now where the game is played on a global scale with some of the finest athletes in the world.  There were great players back in the beginning of the game, just as they're great players now.  I don't know if it's ever totally fair to compare players from one era against players of another era.  Periodically you see sports aficionados coming up with hypothetical computerize scenarios of say the great Green Bay Packers of the 60s versus the New England Patriots of the new millennium.  It's impossible to really say who the best players are or which team would come out on top.  But it's a fun exercise and it creates a lot of heated conversation amongst the fanatics and all of us.

I was lucky to play during perhaps the greatest era of NBA basketball.  My NBA career spanned two decades essentially, from 1980 – 1996.  Some of the greatest NBA players to ever play the game played during that era.  I remember as a rookie in 1980 marveling at the great Dr. J. and also been privileged to witness the new era of NBA basketball that was brought to us by Ervin “Magic” Johnson and Larry Bird.

All in all I was privileged to play against over 30 of the all-time 50 greatest NBA players ever.  I'm going to go through the whole list of the 50 greatest players and share my thoughts with you in regards to either actually playing against them or watching them as I was a youngster.  They are listed in alphabetical order and if you want to find the actual numerical order in which they are listed by the NBA you can check out their website at


(Satch Sanders’ assist): Detroit’s Dave Bing was a special kind of player.  He appeared to space out his scoring to the point where you did not know that he was accumulating such great numbers.  What you did know was that if you passed the ball anywhere near him, he would make the steal and be on his way to scoring an easy basket.  Bing had extraordinarily quick hands.  The term “quiet but deadly” comes to mind when describing Dave Bing’s game.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players: Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson

Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson.  Release date is January 201l.  Pre-order now and save!!!

For details go to

I know that there are a lot of NBA basketball fans out there who will get a kick out of my chapter on my experiences playing against and observing some of the greatest players in NBA history.  I'll send out an excerpt from this chapter everyday leading up to the book release.  I welcome your comments!

One of the most frequently asked questions that I encounter besides “how tall are you?” is either who is the greatest player that I've ever played against, or who is the toughest player that I've ever played against?  Depending on the person’s knowledge of basketball who's asking the question, I typically give a couple different responses. 

There's a big difference between “the greatest” and “the toughest”.

The game of basketball has been around for a long time now and it has evolved over the years from when Dr. James Naismith first tied a peach basket an old barn post and the players were shooting two hand set shots, to now where the game is played on a global scale with some of the finest athletes in the world.  There were great players back in the beginning of the game, just as they're great players now.  I don't know if it's ever totally fair to compare players from one era against players of another era.  Periodically you see sports aficionados coming up with hypothetical computerize scenarios of say the great Green Bay Packers of the 60s versus the New England Patriots of the new millennium.  It's impossible to really say who the best players are or which team would come out on top.  But it's a fun exercise and it creates a lot of heated conversation amongst the fanatics and all of us.

I was lucky to play during perhaps the greatest era of NBA basketball.  My NBA career spanned two decades essentially, from 1980 – 1996.  Some of the greatest NBA players to ever play the game played during that era.  I remember as a rookie in 1980 marveling at the great Dr. J. and also been privileged to witness the new era of NBA basketball that was brought to us by Ervin “Magic” Johnson and Larry Bird.

All in all I was privileged to play against over 30 of the all-time 50 greatest NBA players ever.  I'm going to go through the whole list of the 50 greatest players and share my thoughts with you in regards to either actually playing against them or watching them as I was a youngster.  They are listed in alphabetical order and if you want to find the actual numerical order in which they are listed by the NBA you can check out their website at



Patrick Ewing

There's a very short list of players who played with the ferocious tenacity that Patrick Ewing played with throughout his entire career.  There have been those players who played hard and ferocious because they were trying to make up for lack of talent, but Patrick had tremendous talents and yet he still played with a fire in the determination that inspired the rest of his team.

Patrick doesn't get nearly the recognition and respect due him for almost single-handedly carrying a New York Knick team that was routinely overmatched in the talent department in all the key positions except at center.  He became even more of a force to be reckoned with when he was coached by Pat Riley, who had a way of bringing out the best out of all his players… or you just weren’t going to play, no matter how good you thought you were.

I was fortunate to be a teammate of Patrick Ewing for a short time during the 1991 - 92 season after I was traded to the New York Knicks from the Dallas Mavericks.  I got to see for myself up close and personal the preparation, determination, leadership and consistency that Patrick Ewing provided to his team.  Patrick is one of the classic examples of an all-time great falling just short of an NBA championship ring, and it just goes to show you that sometimes it's the luck of the draw and that this is still a team game even when you have one of the top five players of his era. 

I mentioned from time to time throughout the book those players who I would welcome into “the foxhole” if we had to fight our way out of any situation in the heat of the battle.  Patrick Ewing tops the list!


Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 11)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 11)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.

I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them. 



What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.


James Donaldson
Life Support Medical
1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players: Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson

Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson.  Release date is January 201l.  Pre-order now and save!!!

For details go to

I know that there are a lot of NBA basketball fans out there who will get a kick out of my chapter on my experiences playing against and observing some of the greatest players in NBA history.  I'll send out an excerpt from this chapter everyday leading up to the book release.  I welcome your comments!

One of the most frequently asked questions that I encounter besides “how tall are you?” is either who is the greatest player that I've ever played against, or who is the toughest player that I've ever played against?  Depending on the person’s knowledge of basketball who's asking the question, I typically give a couple different responses. 

There's a big difference between “the greatest” and “the toughest”.

The game of basketball has been around for a long time now and it has evolved over the years from when Dr. James Naismith first tied a peach basket an old barn post and the players were shooting two hand set shots, to now where the game is played on a global scale with some of the finest athletes in the world.  There were great players back in the beginning of the game, just as they're great players now.  I don't know if it's ever totally fair to compare players from one era against players of another era.  Periodically you see sports aficionados coming up with hypothetical computerize scenarios of say the great Green Bay Packers of the 60s versus the New England Patriots of the new millennium.  It's impossible to really say who the best players are or which team would come out on top.  But it's a fun exercise and it creates a lot of heated conversation amongst the fanatics and all of us.

I was lucky to play during perhaps the greatest era of NBA basketball.  My NBA career spanned two decades essentially, from 1980 – 1996.  Some of the greatest NBAplayers to ever play the game played during that era.  I remember as a rookie in 1980 marveling at the great Dr. J. and also been privileged to witness the new era of NBA basketball that was brought to us by Ervin “Magic” Johnson and Larry Bird.

All in all I was privileged to play against over 30 of the all-time 50 greatest NBA players ever.  I'm going to go through the whole list of the 50 greatest players and share my thoughts with you in regards to either actually playing against them or watching them as I was a youngster.  They are listed in alphabetical order and if you want to find the actual numerical order in which they are listed by the NBA you can check out their website at



Julius Erving

Ah… where do you start with Julius “Dr. J.” Erving?  You start right at the top of the list that's where you start!

Dr. J. was one of those iconic players that us kids growing up in the early 70’s would just marvel at whenever we got a chance to catch a glimpse of him on TV.  Back then, Dr. J. was playing for the ABA, and until there was serious talk about a possible ABA / NBA merger, for the most part he was a mythical and mystical basketball marvel doing fabulous things in the ABA that many of the guys in the NBA only dreamed of.

Not only do I put Dr. J. up there as one of my all-time favorite players, but I also list him as one of the true greats of the game.  Someone who carried the heavy mantle of representing the ABA in all their glorious players and trying to elevate that league to a place where up until then the NBA claimed sole supremacy.

I remember seeing Dr. J. in person for the first time as a rookie in 1980 when the team I was with at the time, the Seattle Supersonics, was on a road trip and we pulled into the hotel lobby and Milwaukee to prepare for our game against the Bucks a night or two later.  Dr. J. and his team, the Philadelphia 76ers were checking out of the hotel just as we were checking in.  I remember being in almost a state of playful giddiness along with a couple of other rookies on the team at the time, Vinnie Johnson and James Bailey, as we were all excited to see Dr. J. and the Philadelphia 76ers… up close and in person!

Dr. J. seems to be in the class all by himself and he has a way of standing out in every crowd that he's in whether he's on the court or walking through the hotel lobby.  He's one of the few guys in the league that I really wanted to pattern my demeanor and personality after in his very professional approach to the game, on and off the court.



Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 10)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 10)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.

I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them. 



What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.


                                                                                                                                                                         James Donaldson
                                                                                                                                                                         Life Support Medical
                                                                                                                                                                         1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 9)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 9)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.

I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them.



What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.



                                                                                                                                                                                              James Donaldson
                                                                                                                                                                                              Life Support Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                              1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)

Christmas Day NBA Games

NBA Christmas Day Games:                       


Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's Christmas Day and after the unwrapping presents and spending time with loved ones things are settling back to normal again.  One thing that did bring back memories beyond my Christmas time childhood ones was having a couple of NBA games on TV.  The Boston Celtics went up against the Orlando Magic and the Miami Heat outplayed the Los Angeles Lakers.  I've never been a huge sports fan, especially the type that plops myself down in front of the big screen wasting away countless hours.  Even when I was a professional athlete I seldom spent time that way watching game after game.  We spent enough time watching game film with the irritating voice of one of the coaches narrating throughout.

I do remember playing an NBA game on Christmas day on a couple occasions through my career.  It was at the early stage of my career when I was with the Seattle Supersonics and both games were against the regional rival Portland Trailblazers.  I can still remember now how the players and coaches would grumble about having to play on Christmas Day.  I was just a young whippersnapper and didn't have any family or kids to devote a lot of time to, so I didn't mind it as much as some of the older guys who had family.  I do remember how difficult it was to emotionally get yourself up to play the game, simply because day games (especially on a holiday) have a way of throwing you off your rhythm and out of sync.  It was fun for the fans, as they would stream into the arena, fresh from unwrapping Christmas gifts and spending the morning together.  But we as players; were either spending time in a hotel room if we were the visiting team, or dashing out the door first thing in the morning after seeing everyone open their presents and heading off to the arena to get ready for the game.  Christmas Day games are typically in the early afternoon, so that means you’ll be arriving at the arena at least by noontime.

I don't blame the NBA (and all the other major league sports leagues playing on holidays) for trying to capitalize on having people either come to the arena to watch the game or tune in by the millions from the comforts of home.  I just read an article in regards to the Orlando Magic coach Stan Van Gundy stating that the NBA ought to abolish Christmas Day games.  He mentioned he spent 15 minutes unwrapping presents, kissing the wife and kids goodbye and heading off to the arena to get ready for the game.  He has a point there, but as long as the almighty dollar dictates the schedule and TV coverage for major league sports, that's the way it's going to be.

The life of a professional athlete is one in which he or she is used to live in our hotel rooms, keeping one bag packed and being ready to respond to the call of duty.  I guess I shouldn’t make it that serious; it is after all just a game and entertainment.

Happy Holidays to everyone and enjoy the games!!!  As a special treat, here's a photo of me and Bob "The Voice" Blackburn (who unfortunately passed away earlier this year) back in the day. (<:

James Donaldson is the author of “Standing Above The Crowd” (A Success Roadmap for High Achievement in Business, Athletics, Community Involvement and Life).  He is also an accomplished motivational/inspirational speaker in which he shares his strategies and stories that he has utilized to become a “High Achiever” in lengthy (20 years) careers in professional sports and being a small business entrepreneur with The Donaldson Clinic .  He recently ran for the office of Mayor in the City of Seattle and has been passionately involved in various communities around the Seattle metropolitan area since graduation from Washington State University ’79.
If you’re interested in having James come and speak to your group of young adults, business entrepreneurs, aspiring political and community leaders, and athletic teams, please contact him at  and or leave a personal message for him at 1-800-745-3161.  Keep up with him and read about how he is reaching out and making a difference in the lives of so many around the world at  

Friday, December 24, 2010

NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players: Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson

Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson.  Release date is January 201l.  Pre-order now and save!!!

For details go to

I know that there are a lot of NBA basketball fans out there who will get a kick out of my chapter on my experiences playing against and observing some of the greatest players in NBA history.  I'll send out an excerpt from this chapter everyday leading up to the book release.  I welcome your comments!

One of the most frequently asked questions that I encounter besides “how tall are you?” is either who is the greatest player that I've ever played against, or who is the toughest player that I've ever played against?  Depending on the person’s knowledge of basketball who's asking the question, I typically give a couple different responses. 

There's a big difference between “the greatest” and “the toughest”.

The game of basketball has been around for a long time now and it has evolved over the years from when Dr. James Naismith first tied a peach basket an old barn post and the players were shooting two hand set shots, to now where the game is played on a global scale with some of the finest athletes in the world.  There were great players back in the beginning of the game, just as they're great players now.  I don't know if it's ever totally fair to compare players from one era against players of another era.  Periodically you see sports aficionados coming up with hypothetical computerize scenarios of say the great Green Bay Packers of the 60s versus the New England Patriots of the new millennium.  It's impossible to really say who the best players are or which team would come out on top.  But it's a fun exercise and it creates a lot of heated conversation amongst the fanatics and all of us.

I was lucky to play during perhaps the greatest era of NBA basketball.  My NBA career spanned two decades essentially, from 1980 – 1996.  Some of the greatest NBA players to ever play the game played during that era.  I remember as a rookie in 1980 marveling at the great Dr. J. and also been privileged to witness the new era of NBA basketball that was brought to us by Ervin “Magic” Johnson and Larry Bird.

All in all I was privileged to play against over 30 of the all-time 50 greatest NBA players ever.  I'm going to go through the whole list of the 50 greatest players and share my thoughts with you in regards to either actually playing against them or watching them as I was a youngster.  They are listed in alphabetical order and if you want to find the actual numerical order in which they are listed by the NBA you can check out their website at



As a fan of basketball, you have to love Clyde “The Glide” Drexler.  He was one of those “silent assassins” and the fact that he went about his job on the court with such smoothness and efficiency that sometimes you wouldn't realize how dominating his performance was.

Clyde was one of the pure class gentlemen of the league yet at the same time a ferocious competitor.  The Dallas Mavericks team I played on in the late 80s versus his Portland trailblazer team of the same era turned in some outstanding performances and games.  I’d have my hands full guarding the Portland big guys in the lane, and Clyde would be right in there battling with all of us for rebounds and involved in physical plays in the paint.  You don't see that too often from your superstar guys who typically are the most talented players on the court and can get away with not getting their nose bloodied.

Like a lot of great players of this era, Clyde would be talked about as an all-time great in every basketball conversation if it wasn't for the faces of the NBA at the time, à la Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Dr. J and Michael Jordan.



Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 8)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 8)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.

I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them. 



What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.



                                                                                                                                                                                 James Donaldson
                                                                                                                                                                                 Life Support Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                 1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Please welcome my guest contribution authors, NBA Greats, Tom "Satch" Sanders and Earl "The Pearl" Monroe to the "Standing Above the Crowd" family

Very soon I'm going to be adding in some comments on the NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players from a couple of guest contributing authors, 8 Time NBA World Champion Satch Sanders and  Hall of Famer Earl "The Pearl" Monroe. 

They're going to add their perspective of what it was like playing against some of the NBA All Time greats like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Sam Jones and Oscar "Big O" Robertson.  It'll be interesting and fun reading for everyone.

Thier comments will be included in my book, Standing Above the Crowd, which is due out in January 2011.

Thanks for the assist Satch and Earl.  You're the best! 



NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players: Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson

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One of the most frequently asked questions that I encounter besides “how tall are you?” is either who is the greatest player that I've ever played against, or who is the toughest player that I've ever played against?  Depending on the person’s knowledge of basketball who's asking the question, I typically give a couple different responses.  There's a big difference between “the greatest” and “the toughest”.

The game of basketball has been around for a long time now and it has evolved over the years from when Dr. James Naismith first tied a peach basket an old barn post and the players were shooting two hand set shots, to now where the game is played on a global scale with some of the finest athletes in the world.  There were great players back in the beginning of the game, just as they're great players now.  I don't know if it's ever totally fair to compare players from one era against players of another era.  Periodically you see sports aficionados coming up with hypothetical computerize scenarios of say the great Green Bay Packers of the 60s versus the New England Patriots of the new millennium.  It's impossible to really say who the best players are or which team would come out on top.  But it's a fun exercise and it creates a lot of heated conversation amongst the fanatics and all of us.

I was lucky to play during perhaps the greatest era of NBA basketball.  My NBA career spanned two decades essentially, from 1980 – 1996.  Some of the greatest NBA players to ever play the game played during that era.  I remember as a rookie in 1980 marveling at the great Dr. J. and also been privileged to witness the new era of NBA basketball that was brought to us by Ervin “Magic” Johnson and Larry Bird.

All in all I was privileged to play against over 30 of the all-time 50 greatest NBA players ever.  I'm going to go through the whole list of the 50 greatest players and share my thoughts with you in regards to either actually playing against them or watching them as I was a youngster.  They are listed in alphabetical order and if you want to find the actual numerical order in which they are listed by the NBA you can check out their website at 

Dave Cowens


Dave Cowens was always one of my favorite Boston Celtics throughout the years.  That was probably because of a number of things that I saw in him and his game that I really connected to.  He wasn't the most talented player on the court, and he wasn't the biggest and strongest guy in the court either.  But he had as much determination and intensity to make up for whatever shortcomings he had through pure hustle and an all-out passion for the game.  There are some great NBA highlight reel videos that show Dave Cowens chasing down loose balls and sliding 20 or 30 feet across the court in order to do so.  You just don't see that many guys playing that way!

Also one of the things I remember about Dave Cowens was that he seemed to be a consummate team player.  He didn't care how many points he scored how many rebounds he had but he seemed to get all he had every time he is on the court.  And another thing, he wasn't afraid to get up into his teammates faces and I never ever saw him back down from anybody else.  Those are the kind of guys you want to go to war with any day of the week!

Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 7)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 7)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.

 I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them. 



What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.


                                                                                                                                                                                            James Donaldson
                                                                                                                                                                                            Life Support Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                            1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)


2 Guys on Business Radio Talk Show (12-22-10)

Greetings all,

I hope that all is well and that everyone is enjoying the Holidays.

Here is a link to a great tlak show that I did yesterday pertaining to Small Business Entrepreneurship.

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 2 guys on Business -

Tony and Chris (Radio show host) were wonderful to talk to and hopefully we were able to help some small business owners along the way! (<:


James Donaldson



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players: Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson

Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson.  Release date is January 201l.  Pre-order now and save!!!

For details go to

I know that there are a lot of NBA basketball fans out there who will get a kick out of my chapter on my experiences playing against and observing some of the greatest players in NBA history.  I'll send out an excerpt from this chapter everyday leading up to the book release.  I welcome your comments!

One of the most frequently asked questions that I encounter besides “how tall are you?” is either who is the greatest player that I've ever played against, or who is the toughest player that I've ever played against?  Depending on the person’s knowledge of basketball who's asking the question, I typically give a couple different responses. 

There's a big difference between “the greatest” and “the toughest”.

The game of basketball has been around for a long time now and it has evolved over the years from when Dr. James Naismith first tied a peach basket an old barn post and the players were shooting two hand set shots, to now where the game is played on a global scale with some of the finest athletes in the world.  There were great players back in the beginning of the game, just as they're great players now.  I don't know if it's ever totally fair to compare players from one era against players of another era.  Periodically you see sports aficionados coming up with hypothetical computerize scenarios of say the great Green Bay Packers of the 60s versus the New England Patriots of the new millennium.  It's impossible to really say who the best players are or which team would come out on top.  But it's a fun exercise and it creates a lot of heated conversation amongst the fanatics and all of us.

I was lucky to play during perhaps the greatest era of NBA basketball.  My NBA career spanned two decades essentially, from 1980 – 1996.  Some of the greatest NBA players to ever play the game played during that era.  I remember as a rookie in 1980 marveling at the great Dr. J. and also been privileged to witness the new era of NBA basketball that was brought to us by Ervin “Magic” Johnson and Larry Bird.

All in all I was privileged to play against over 30 of the all-time 50 greatest NBA players ever.  I'm going to go through the whole list of the 50 greatest players and share my thoughts with you in regards to either actually playing against them or watching them as I was a youngster.  They are listed in alphabetical order and if you want to find the actual numerical order in which they are listed by the NBA you can check out their website at



Larry Bird

Larry was the “real deal” as far as guys coming into the league and being as great in the NBA (Boston Celtics) as he was in college (Indian State).  He played hard every night and commanded the respect of everyone on the floor.  I admired his tenacity and his “guts” in trash talking and backing it up every time.

I remember when Larry came to play the Dallas Mavericks on his through the Texas swing of playing against Dallas, Houston & San Antonio and lit all three teams up by averaging over 40 points a game.  He tagged 50 on us!

Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 6)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 6)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.

 I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them. 



What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.


                                                                                                                                                                                         James Donaldson
                                                                                                                                                                                         Life Support Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                         1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players: Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson

Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson.  Release date is January 201l.  Pre-order now and save!!!

For details go to

I know that there are a lot of NBA basketball fans out there who will get a kick out of my chapter on my experiences playing against and observing some of the greatest players in NBA history.  I'll send out an excerpt from this chapter everyday leading up to the book release.  I welcome your comments!


One of the most frequently asked questions that I encounter besides “how tall are you?” is either who is the greatest player that I've ever played against, or who is the toughest player that I've ever played against?  Depending on the person’s knowledge of basketball who's asking the question, I typically give a couple different responses. 

There's a big difference between “the greatest” and “the toughest”.

The game of basketball has been around for a long time now and it has evolved over the years from when Dr. James Naismith first tied a peach basket an old barn post and the players were shooting two hand set shots, to now where the game is played on a global scale with some of the finest athletes in the world.  There were great players back in the beginning of the game, just as they're great players now.  I don't know if it's ever totally fair to compare players from one era against players of another era.  Periodically you see sports aficionados coming up with hypothetical computerize scenarios of say the great Green Bay Packers of the 60s versus the New England Patriots of the new millennium.  It's impossible to really say who the best players are or which team would come out on top.  But it's a fun exercise and it creates a lot of heated conversation amongst the fanatics and all of us.

I was lucky to play during perhaps the greatest era of NBA basketball.  My NBA career spanned two decades essentially, from 1980 – 1996.  Some of the greatest NBA players to ever play the game played during that era.  I remember as a rookie in 1980 marveling at the great Dr. J. and also been privileged to witness the new era of NBA basketball that was brought to us by Ervin “Magic” Johnson and Larry Bird.

All in all I was privileged to play against over 30 of the all-time 50 greatest NBA players ever.  I'm going to go through the whole list of the 50 greatest players and share my thoughts with you in regards to either actually playing against them or watching them as I was a youngster.  They are listed in alphabetical order and if you want to find the actual numerical order in which they are listed by the NBA you can check out their website at



Rick Barry

I played against Rick Berry right at the tail end of his career and even then he was an amazing player as far as being able to shoot and score from just about anywhere and anytime on the court.  One of my “big man” coaches in Dallas, Clifford Ray, was a teammate with Rick on the 1975 NBA Champion Golden State Warriors and he would tell me great stories of how Rick could just take over games and “will” them to victory time and time again when they played with the Warriors. 

Rick was a phenomenal shooter from the foul line too, and guess what?, …  he shot underhanded at over an amazing 90%!


Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 5)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 5)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.

I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them.



What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.


                                                                                                                                                                                        James Donaldson
                                                                                                                                                                                        Life Support Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                        1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)

Monday, December 20, 2010

NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players: Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson

Excerpts from Standing Above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life by James Donaldson.  Release date is January 201l.  Pre-order now and save!!!

For details go to

I know that there are a lot of NBA basketball fans out there who will get a kick out of my chapter on my experiences playing against and observing some of the greatest players in NBA history.  I'll send out an excerpt from this chapter everyday leading up to the book release.  I welcome your comments!

One of the most frequently asked questions that I encounter besides “how tall are you?” is either who is the greatest player that I've ever played against, or who is the toughest player that I've ever played against?  Depending on the person’s knowledge of basketball who's asking the question, I typically give a couple different responses. 

There's a big difference between “the greatest” and “the toughest”.

The game of basketball has been around for a long time now and it has evolved over the years from when Dr. James Naismith first tied a peach basket an old barn post and the players were shooting two hand set shots, to now where the game is played on a global scale with some of the finest athletes in the world.  There were great players back in the beginning of the game, just as they're great players now.  I don't know if it's ever totally fair to compare players from one era against players of another era.  Periodically you see sports aficionados coming up with hypothetical computerize scenarios of say the great Green Bay Packers of the 60s versus the New England Patriots of the new millennium.  It's impossible to really say who the best players are or which team would come out on top.  But it's a fun exercise and it creates a lot of heated conversation amongst the fanatics and all of us.

I was lucky to play during perhaps the greatest era of NBA basketball.  My NBA career spanned two decades essentially, from 1980 – 1996.  Some of the greatest NBA players to ever play the game played during that era.  I remember as a rookie in 1980 marveling at the great Dr. J. and also been privileged to witness the new era of NBA basketball that was brought to us by Ervin “Magic” Johnson and Larry Bird.

All in all I was privileged to play against over 30 of the all-time 50 greatest NBA players ever.  I'm going to go through the whole list of the 50 greatest players and share my thoughts with you in regards to either actually playing against them or watching them as I was a youngster.  They are listed in alphabetical order and if you want to find the actual numerical order in which they are listed by the NBA you can check out their website at



Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley was a riot to play against.  He's one of the guys who always had fun out there yet because of his tremendous talents he could dominate a game at both ends of the floor.  Given the fact that he was only about 6’4” and weighed in at an impressive 250 pounds, he gave all of us big guys fits because of his quick leaping ability and great instincts for the ball.  Because of his outgoing personality, Charles didn't get the respect due to him consistently throughout his career.  But he definitely goes down as one of the all-time greats!

Charles is one of only two guys that I can ever remember actually dunking on me in which I challenge the shot with everything I had, yet I still got dunked on.  Actually I don't feel so bad, because he dunked on the whole team!

This is how it played out.  Charles was playing for the Philadelphia 76ers and I was playing on San Diego Clippers team.  Charles is running the ball down the court at full speed and he essentially took off from the foul line.  He flew right by our point guard, Norm Nixon, and then he went by our shooting guard, Derek Smith.  He kept right on coming past our small forward, Greg Kelser, and then past our power forward, Terry Cummings.  He wasn't just going by them he was going up and over them.  I saw all this play out as it was in slow motion and by the time I reacted to what was going on, Charles is already halfway down the lane and pass three of our guys.  I jumped with all I could to challenge his shot as the last line of defense before the basket and Charles just kept rising up and over me too and threw the ball down to the basket with such terrific force that it just brought the house down.  If it wasn't such a “fantastic moment” it probably would've been one of the most embarrassing moments for me on the basketball court.  But when you play against the best as in a great player like Charles, you can't help but admire some of the things they can do on the basketball court.  Besides, it’s what the fans come to see!

Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 4)

Caring for our loved ones: (Pt 4)

Caregiver (noun): a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

Caregivers, during this time of year in which we are constantly juggling schedules and running here and there in a frenetic pace, we shouldn’t forget those among us who continue to need our help no matter what season of the year it is.

We all have busy lives and our lives can be made even busier by having to play the role of caregiver.  Even if you’re not the #1 caregiver in the family, you’re still finding yourself having to spend a lot of time being “available”, “worrying”, and “dreading that phone call” that will change your life forever more.

I am beginning a series of articles that will help you to understand the dynamics at play in the lives of caregivers and people who depend on them. 


What better gift to give during the “Gift Giving” time of year then to regain your independence and provide safety, security and 24/7 EMT monitored response services with for your loved one than the Life Support Medical program and services.

Contact me at and/or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be happy to provide more information to you.

                                                                                                                                                                                              James Donaldson
                                                                                                                                                                                              Life Support Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                              1-800-745-3161 (Voice Mail & Fax)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 3)

Help has finally arrived for Caregivers and Baby Boomers

If you’re like me, over 40 years of age, with elderly parents and relatives in your life that you spend a great deal of time caring for and worrying about; you’ve probably have had to customize your life and availability to “be there” and at the ready “just in case” you’re needed or “something happens”.

How many times have you had to leave work early to provide transportation for your loved one to the doctor appointment?  How many times have you either not gone on a vacation or have had to cut one short so that you can be around “just in case.”  How many times have you passed on a promotion at work because if would demand more of your time (which is already in short supply), even though it would have done wonders for your career just so you could be there to take care of a loved one?  How many middle of the night phone calls have you received, but yet felt virtually helpless to do anything because you couldn’t do anything until morning?

Well, if your answer is yes to any of the above, then you’ll appreciate a new product and service that is by far the industry leader in the features that it offers and the affordability to your budget of caring for your loved one.  The product that I’m talking about is Life Support Medical


We’re all familiar with the home monitoring systems that feature a pendent that the person wears in which “she has fallen and can’t get up”, and the person is supposed to push the button to summon help.  Well, some questions to ask are; what happens if the person wearing the pendent is unconscious? Forgets to have the pendent on when he/she take a fall?  Has a seizure and can’t function well enough to push the button?  Becomes disoriented and confused?  Is asleep when a fire breaks out?  Leaves the car running in the garage and succumbs to carbon monoxide?  All of those things can happen and more, and chances are that you’re not around to help out.

Life Support Medical offers an affordable option that features the wearable pendent (breakaway pendent at that) plus:

-    Oversized safety buttons that are placed throughout the residence
-    Carbon monoxide detector
-    Smoke detector
-    Flood detector
-    Medication reminder
-    24/7 EMT (medically trained and certified) operators who stay on the line until help arrives 
-    Auto fall detector
-    Inactivity detector
-    and more…..

I have owned and operated The Donaldson Clinic – Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation for over 20 years, and we work very closely with the geriatric population, so I see up close and personally/professionally the tremendous need for a comprehensive home monitoring system such as Life Support Medical.  I am working directly with the founders and owners of the Life Support Medical company and over the last several months have been doing my due diligence in understanding the features and quality of this program. 

This fantastic program and system is not just for your loved ones who spend a great deal of time at home alone, but it’s also for the caregiver who is finding themselves pressured, compromised and feeling that their life is out of balance due to the tremendous demands, a career, family, school and or of caring for your loved ones, whether it’s your parents or children. 

If you’re interested in regaining that sense of security, safety and independence for both you and your loved one, please contact me at or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be glad to answer any questions (or arrange a presentation) that you may have.

To Your Good Health,
James Donaldson
Life Support Medical