Sunday, December 19, 2010

Caring for our loved ones - Life Support Medical (Pt. 3)

Help has finally arrived for Caregivers and Baby Boomers

If you’re like me, over 40 years of age, with elderly parents and relatives in your life that you spend a great deal of time caring for and worrying about; you’ve probably have had to customize your life and availability to “be there” and at the ready “just in case” you’re needed or “something happens”.

How many times have you had to leave work early to provide transportation for your loved one to the doctor appointment?  How many times have you either not gone on a vacation or have had to cut one short so that you can be around “just in case.”  How many times have you passed on a promotion at work because if would demand more of your time (which is already in short supply), even though it would have done wonders for your career just so you could be there to take care of a loved one?  How many middle of the night phone calls have you received, but yet felt virtually helpless to do anything because you couldn’t do anything until morning?

Well, if your answer is yes to any of the above, then you’ll appreciate a new product and service that is by far the industry leader in the features that it offers and the affordability to your budget of caring for your loved one.  The product that I’m talking about is Life Support Medical


We’re all familiar with the home monitoring systems that feature a pendent that the person wears in which “she has fallen and can’t get up”, and the person is supposed to push the button to summon help.  Well, some questions to ask are; what happens if the person wearing the pendent is unconscious? Forgets to have the pendent on when he/she take a fall?  Has a seizure and can’t function well enough to push the button?  Becomes disoriented and confused?  Is asleep when a fire breaks out?  Leaves the car running in the garage and succumbs to carbon monoxide?  All of those things can happen and more, and chances are that you’re not around to help out.

Life Support Medical offers an affordable option that features the wearable pendent (breakaway pendent at that) plus:

-    Oversized safety buttons that are placed throughout the residence
-    Carbon monoxide detector
-    Smoke detector
-    Flood detector
-    Medication reminder
-    24/7 EMT (medically trained and certified) operators who stay on the line until help arrives 
-    Auto fall detector
-    Inactivity detector
-    and more…..

I have owned and operated The Donaldson Clinic – Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation for over 20 years, and we work very closely with the geriatric population, so I see up close and personally/professionally the tremendous need for a comprehensive home monitoring system such as Life Support Medical.  I am working directly with the founders and owners of the Life Support Medical company and over the last several months have been doing my due diligence in understanding the features and quality of this program. 

This fantastic program and system is not just for your loved ones who spend a great deal of time at home alone, but it’s also for the caregiver who is finding themselves pressured, compromised and feeling that their life is out of balance due to the tremendous demands, a career, family, school and or of caring for your loved ones, whether it’s your parents or children. 

If you’re interested in regaining that sense of security, safety and independence for both you and your loved one, please contact me at or 1-800-745-3161 and I will be glad to answer any questions (or arrange a presentation) that you may have.

To Your Good Health,
James Donaldson
Life Support Medical


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