Thursday, December 23, 2010

Please welcome my guest contribution authors, NBA Greats, Tom "Satch" Sanders and Earl "The Pearl" Monroe to the "Standing Above the Crowd" family

Very soon I'm going to be adding in some comments on the NBA's All Time 50 Greatest Players from a couple of guest contributing authors, 8 Time NBA World Champion Satch Sanders and  Hall of Famer Earl "The Pearl" Monroe. 

They're going to add their perspective of what it was like playing against some of the NBA All Time greats like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Sam Jones and Oscar "Big O" Robertson.  It'll be interesting and fun reading for everyone.

Thier comments will be included in my book, Standing Above the Crowd, which is due out in January 2011.

Thanks for the assist Satch and Earl.  You're the best! 



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