Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Host a Foreign Exchange Student through Northwest Student Exchange for the 2011 - 2012 school year

If you've never had the opportunity to host a high school exchange student, this might be the perfect time for you to do so.

I hosted Felipe from Brazil several years ago and loved it!  It's a great way to create friendships that will last a lifetime and to give back to a young person who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the great USofA!

Please read on and give my friend Jeff LeBand a call if you're interested or if you know someone who might be.  Exchange students can be hosted anywhere in the country.



Please help us find host families for our high school exchange students. If you have connections that could lead to potential host families, please email me at For hosting info, visit our website at - Thanks for your help and referrals! NorthWest Student Exchange (NWSE) will pay you $200 for each family you refer who hosts or donate the $200 to a community or school program if you choose. Families can host for 4 weeks up to 10 months. Our placement deadline is August 31. Thanks, Merci, Danke, Efchalisto, Gracias, Arigato!

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