Friday, July 1, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Katie Artt, High School Student)

“Thank you for coming to my school today! When I heard we were having an assembly I was sort of disappointed....They tend to be boring. But when you were done speaking, I was yet again disappointed; but not because of the speech you gave, but because I didn’t want for you to be done. What you were saying out there was really inspirational. I really did take something away from this assembly….I’d really like to hear more of what you’ve got to say, which brings me to ask about your book. I’d really like to read it myself.”

— Katie Artt, high school student in Washington State

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James Donaldson’s - Standing Above the Crowd book is now available in ebook format!

Of course, to order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

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