Sunday, February 12, 2012

NBA's Allen Iverson Having a Tough Time Making the Transition to Life After the Game

Well here we go again!

Yet another very sad article about professional athletes struggling with their transition from the playing days to "Life after the Game.

While it's tempting and almost irresistible to chuckle at these all to common "Rags to Riches to Rags" stories... it's all to real and happens all to often.

As a former professional athlete who is working with athletes (I am a board member with the Retired NBA Players) in helping them with their transition into real every day life, I see first hand how the athletes struggle and fall by the wayside.   Keep in mind that the general public only hears about the high profile ones who struggle while the other 95% of retiring professional athletes fly under the radar.... yes, struggle just the same.

My emphasis and focus is always on making sure that the athletes get their education and degrees to enhance their odds of success in life.  The athletes have to realize that they are a commodity, and that "system" that they come through (AAU, high school, university and professional) are going to use them for the talents the athletes can provide (albeit in exchange for athletic scholarships and huge million dollar contracts) and once they are no longer valued for their athletic value, the athlete is "retired and put out to pasture", not unlike everyone else who works in corporate America.   

We're going to hear and see more and more stories like this in the oncoming years because fewer and fewer athletes are prepared for life after the game, and the millions of dollars that are dangled in front of them is just to tempting to pass up on.

I remember one of my great mentors told me once that "when you have a fool and give him a million dollars and a few cents... all you end up with is a fool with a million dollars and very little common sense". 

I hope to get involved with the NBA Player Development programs and do even more to help out and do what we can do.  Ultimately, the choices and decisions made by the athletes have to be better choices and decisions.  We can do that by surrounding them with mentors, positive role models, better teachers/coaches and encouraging the athletes to develop a plan for success and stick to it.

Listen to James speak on life after the game

James Donaldson
Former NBA All Star 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

NBA and NBA Playing Trying to Make It Happen in China Article

Having just returned from China and seeing a couple of CBA games in person, this article is right on.

I watched and said hello to Stephon Marbury after one of the games and he seemed to be enjoying himself and playing very well.

The NBA is realizing that they "can't just show up" and expect everything to go their way.... especially in countries and cities (are you listening Seattle?) that don't lose their heads over the fact the the NBA is coming to town.  "Win - Win's" are created by developing relationships and working together.

Listen to James speak on playing ball overseas

Enjoy the article!

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Wanna Thank You by Maze featuring Frankie Beverly (live in concert video)


Here I go with another classic song that I was playing this morning as I am continuing my quest to convert all of my vinyl LP's to digital files.  Remember this one?  I Wanna Thank You by Maze and Frankie Beverly? 

If this song doesn't move you... then just maybe you haven't experienced this kind of thankfulness quite yet! (smile!)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

James Donaldson at Il Palio - Siena, Italy - 1980

Hey everybody,

If you ever get the chance to take in Il Palio in Siena, Italy, it's a once in a lifetime experience that you'll never forget!  Here I am with my friend Simone back in 1980.  Simone sent this to me recently, so I thought I'd share. (smile!)

Il Palio is a horse race around the city center plaza and takes place twice a year (I've seen it 3 times now!).  The riders are riding without saddles and it's exhilarating!!!  The whole city (80,000 - 100,000 jammed into the city plaza!) turns out and each "contrada" (neighborhood) is represented by a different horse with parades and feasts for a week leading up to it! 

I highly recommend it if you ever get a chance to go!


A Place in My Heart by Maze featuring Frankie Beverly

Sometimes a song comes to mind that just takes you back and makes you think... wow!... that's excellent... and what memories!

Enjoy Maze featuring Frankie Beverly as they sing A Place in My Heart 



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7'5" Hign School Prep Basketball Player is a Wonderful Sight To Behold!

It is so amazing to see a young athlete blossom and work towards their potential!

My hope and prayers is that he is surrounded by positive supportive people who will have his best interest at heart and protect him from the "sharks, groupies, college and NBA scouts and hangers-on... not to mention "not so well meaning" ... family/friends.  

I know, I've been through all of that!

I wish that I was there to help him "navigate the waters that he's going to have to navigate".  If anyone know how to get ahold of him, please let me know.  

Listen to James Speak on the high school student

All the best to you Mamadou Ndiaye!

James Donaldson


Monday, February 6, 2012

Monty Williams - NBA Coach's Bounce Back Story of the Year!

In all the craziness of professional sports, once in a while there is a good, heart warming story that shows that there are real people in sports who still appreciate and realize their blessings.  Playing sports is a privilege, not a right, and it's good when good guys like Monty Williams helps us to remember that.

Listen to James Speak about Monty Williams' Bounce Back  



Sunday, February 5, 2012

NBA's Sacramento Kings coming to Seattle?... hmmm...

I just returned from Sacramento a couple of days ago and went to a Kings game last week.  There's a lot of anxiety in the air as to what is going to happen to their "not so beloved" Kings.  We went through the same things here in Seattle 3 - 4 years ago before the Sonics moved to Oklahoma City.

Listen to James' thoughts on the NBA returning to Seattle

Here we go again.... 


Saturday, February 4, 2012

James Donaldson - Standing Above the Crowd - Interview with Digital Conglomerate Magazine . Inc. - Feb. 2012 

I recently did a nice interview with Digital Conglomerate Magazine about my Standing Above the Crowd book.  

Listen to James Donaldson introducing Digital Conglomerate Magazine and Garland McLaughlin (Publisher and CEO) 

Hope you enjoy!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Who Are Your Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics...Here Are Mine!

I’ve been invited to be a contributing author to an upcoming book on the NBA.  I was asked who are the Top 10 Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics of All Time?

After much thought and deliberation and keeping in mind that this list is of “the Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonic ever” (not the best player or most exciting)… my choice of The Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonic ever is D.J., Dennis Johnson.  D.J. had a winning attitude about him that he took everywhere he went and to every team that he played for.  As I talked to several of the former Sonics for this article,… without fail… D.J.’s name was always at the very top of the list for the intangibles that he brought night in and night out!  Unfortunately, D.J. passed away at an early age a few years ago.  D.J.!!!.... the Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonic ever!!!     

Listen to James Donaldson speak about the Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental SeattleSuperSonics - #1 Dennis “D.J.” Johnson 

Here is my list (going from #10 - #1).  Let me know what you think!

#1 – Dennis Johnson

“DJ” was “the rock” and steady presence from the guard position as he played along with the great players on the Sonics title winning team.  At 6’4”, with very long arms and the ability to move his feet, he played terrific defense on whoever he was matched up against….  and never shied away from taken on the other team’s most explosive scorers.  Whenever you talk to one of the championship players from the Sonic team, without a doubt, the conversation circles back around to Dennis Johnson and how valuable he was to their championship team.






Respectfully submitted and written by:
James Donaldson
Former Seattle SuperSonic 1980 – 1983




Thursday, February 2, 2012

Who Are Your Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics...Here Are Mine!

I’ve been invited to be a contributing author to an upcoming book on the NBA.  I was asked who are the Top 10 Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics of All Time?

Listen to James Donaldson speak about the Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental SeattleSuperSonics - #2 Gary “The Glove” Payton

Here is my list (going from #10 - #1).  Let me know what you think!

#2 – Gary Payton

Gary “The Glove” Payton was the best true “point guard” the Sonics ever had.  He led the team flawlessly night after night and year after year.  With “breakneck” speed, he was able to score at will, and play “lockdown” defense on any guard in the league.  He was also known for his nonstop chatter on the court as he was either barking out orders to his teammates, or “trash talking” with an opponent.  He was part of the great Seattle teams throughout the 90s’.






Respectfully submitted and written by:
James Donaldson
Former Seattle SuperSonic 1980 – 1983




Who Are Your Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics...Here Are Mine!

I’ve been invited to be a contributing author to an upcoming book on the NBA.  I was asked who are the Top 10 Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics of All Time?

Listen to James Donaldson speak about the Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental SeattleSuperSonics - #2 Gary “The Glove” Payton

Here is my list (going from #10 - #1).  Let me know what you think!

#2 – Gary Payton

Gary “The Glove” Payton was the best true “point guard” the Sonics ever had.  He led the team flawlessly night after night and year after year.  With “breakneck” speed, he was able to score at will, and play “lockdown” defense on any guard in the league.  He was also known for his nonstop chatter on the court as he was either barking out orders to his teammates, or “trash talking” with an opponent.  He was part of the great Seattle teams throughout the 90s’.





Respectfully submitted and written by:
James Donaldson
Former Seattle SuperSonic 1980 – 1983




Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Who Are Your Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics...Here Are Mine!

I’ve been invited to be a contributing author to an upcoming book on the NBA.  I was asked who are the Top 10 Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics of All Time?

Listen to James Donaldson speak about the Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental SeattleSuperSonics - #3 Shawn “The Reign Man” Kemp

Here is my list (going from #10 - #1).  Let me know what you think!

#3 – Shawn Kemp

Shawn “The Reign Man” Kemp, brought true excitement throughout the 90’s to some very good and dominant Sonic teams.  There's never been a player who played “above the rim” and was able to run the court the way that “the Reign Man” did.  In his prime, he was truly one of the best power forwards in the league. 





Respectfully submitted and written by:
James Donaldson
Former Seattle SuperSonic 1980 – 1983