Wednesday, February 8, 2012

James Donaldson at Il Palio - Siena, Italy - 1980

Hey everybody,

If you ever get the chance to take in Il Palio in Siena, Italy, it's a once in a lifetime experience that you'll never forget!  Here I am with my friend Simone back in 1980.  Simone sent this to me recently, so I thought I'd share. (smile!)

Il Palio is a horse race around the city center plaza and takes place twice a year (I've seen it 3 times now!).  The riders are riding without saddles and it's exhilarating!!!  The whole city (80,000 - 100,000 jammed into the city plaza!) turns out and each "contrada" (neighborhood) is represented by a different horse with parades and feasts for a week leading up to it! 

I highly recommend it if you ever get a chance to go!


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