Friday, February 3, 2012

Who Are Your Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics...Here Are Mine!

I’ve been invited to be a contributing author to an upcoming book on the NBA.  I was asked who are the Top 10 Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonics of All Time?

After much thought and deliberation and keeping in mind that this list is of “the Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonic ever” (not the best player or most exciting)… my choice of The Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonic ever is D.J., Dennis Johnson.  D.J. had a winning attitude about him that he took everywhere he went and to every team that he played for.  As I talked to several of the former Sonics for this article,… without fail… D.J.’s name was always at the very top of the list for the intangibles that he brought night in and night out!  Unfortunately, D.J. passed away at an early age a few years ago.  D.J.!!!.... the Most Instrumental Seattle SuperSonic ever!!!     

Listen to James Donaldson speak about the Top 10 All Time Most Instrumental SeattleSuperSonics - #1 Dennis “D.J.” Johnson 

Here is my list (going from #10 - #1).  Let me know what you think!

#1 – Dennis Johnson

“DJ” was “the rock” and steady presence from the guard position as he played along with the great players on the Sonics title winning team.  At 6’4”, with very long arms and the ability to move his feet, he played terrific defense on whoever he was matched up against….  and never shied away from taken on the other team’s most explosive scorers.  Whenever you talk to one of the championship players from the Sonic team, without a doubt, the conversation circles back around to Dennis Johnson and how valuable he was to their championship team.






Respectfully submitted and written by:
James Donaldson
Former Seattle SuperSonic 1980 – 1983




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