Saturday, April 2, 2022

#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth - Every #FirstResponder Deserves Solace
By Dawn Institute

As a 23-year #veteran of a law enforcement agency, I have spent significant time reflecting on the #mentalhealth impact of serving as a #firstresponder. In my two decades of experience, I have gained an intimate understanding of the #mentalhealthchallenges that can arise from a high-#stress (and even traumatic) job. I’ve seen how, if untreated, symptoms can worsen and lead to long-term illness.

I began my career as a patrol deputy, where I responded to routine calls, as well as emergency calls for service. Later, as a field training officer, I worked with new recruits hoping to become law enforcement professionals. I was then selected to become a detective, where I investigated a variety of general crimes, including property crimes and crimes against people. I then moved on to different detective assignments throughout the office, including intelligence, special victim’s unit and specialized investigations.

While incredibly rewarding at times, this career path took its toll on my physical and emotional well-being.

Battling Symptoms And #Stigma

Nightmares, #insomnia, indigestion and worrisome thoughts plagued my daily life; my family bore the burden of mood swings, bouts of frustration and sadness. I found myself in an unfamiliar, mentally debilitating place. I couldn’t understand what was causing my symptoms — but I knew something was terribly wrong — and I was afraid to pursue answers.

I considered reaching out for help, but fear and deeply internalized #stigma stood in my way. In my work environment, my colleagues would view my symptoms as a sign of weakness. Further, my daily workload demanded my full commitment. The constant duties and on-call status never allowed the time for self-care, let alone seeking possible treatment. I felt overwhelmed and guilty; furthermore, my guilt was wrapped around my inability to keep going.

The field I dedicated 23 years of my life to did not provide me support or encouragement to seek help. Thankfully, someone else did.

Changing My Perspective And Making Progress

I was speaking with my #daughter one day on an unrelated subject, and she commented that, “everyone needs a #therapist.” For the next few days, I contemplated what she said, and, ultimately, I decided to speak with a #therapist. Although my insurance through my employer covers #mentalhealthcare, I decided to pay out of my own pocket. I was afraid any insurance claims may raise red flags about my #mentalhealth and fitness for duty.

I began working with a #therapist and discovered I could speak freely and put my feelings on the table. I opened up about particular job-related difficulties I faced, like mood swings and recurring nightmares. I was diagnosed with severe #anxiety as well as #PTSD, and my #therapist and I determined that these conditions were a direct result of my current profession.

While working with my #therapist, I eventually got to a place where I understood why I had certain feelings that I previously couldn’t explain. For example, I learned that my work-issued phone brought me #anxiety whenever it would ring, especially when I was “on call.” This was due to the uncertainty of what type of call I would be responding to as a detective with the special victim’s unit.

With more work and reflection, I came to understand #anxiety, #depression and #posttraumaticstress (#PTSD) were slowly impeding my ability to give myself care and love.

#JamesDonaldson notes:

Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.

Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.

Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #

Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,

Celebrating Your Gift of Life:

From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy

A Broader Issue

I am not alone in my struggle to cope with the stresses of my job. As the data and my personal experience suggest, many #firstresponders are dealing with the consequences of witnessing and experiencing trauma on a regular basis.

The #CentersforDiseaseControl (#CDC) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) have found that #depression, #posttraumaticstress, substance abuse and #suicidalideation are prevalent among #firstresponders; more than 30% of #firstresponders develop #PTSD.

Only once I sought treatment did I learn that SAMHSA and the #CDC provide research and data to help first responders acquire knowledge and awareness of #mentalhealth symptoms and treatment options. My hope is that other #firstresponders will find and use these resources.

Moving Forward And Healing

Currently, I am still trying to work through my symptoms — and I wonder if I will ever have a good night’s sleep. I wonder if my spouse will ever have a night where she does not have to wake me from nightmares. I wonder if my daughter will ever stop worrying about me.

I am new to the world of therapy, but it has given me a place of hope. I never thought it was possible to talk about my symptoms, but I am thankful that there is someone who wants to listen and assist me in my need for answers.

The most important knowledge I hope to pass on is that every human being can benefit from talking to a #therapist. I have found therapy to be imperative and a lifetime process. With hindsight, I would give anything to rewind — to start over and learn about how my career could debilitate my #mentalhealth and how therapy could change the trajectory. This greater understanding certainly would have improved my #mentalhealth and helped me on the job.

While the saying, better late than never, describes my current journey, many #firstresponders can’t wait to find answers.

It is my hope that my fellow #firstresponders will find encouragement from my story to reach out for help — to secure a good #therapist and begin exploring the feelings that may have intruded on their lives and careers. #Mentalhealth is directly related to physical health; the two are intertwined and a truly healthy individual needs to address both.

The author of this blog, who wishes to remain anonymous, wrote this piece for the Dawn Institute. It has been edited and republished with permission. Dawn Institute, an Arizona-based organization, strives to support the prevention and healing of trauma through innovative #mentalhealthservices that treat the whole person, equip parents and nurture resilient families. For more information, visit

If you are a health care or public safety professional seeking support for your #mentalwellness, visit for resources and to learn more.

Photo by Daria Sannikova on

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