Sunday, April 24, 2022

#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth - How to Help Your #Child Get Motivated In #School
Strategies you can use to help #kids work up to their potential

Danielle Cohen

What You'll Learn

- Why do some #kids have trouble getting motivated in #school?
- How can #parents help their #children try harder in #school?

It’s common for #kids to lack motivation in #school. Sometimes, this happens because the #child has #ADHD, #anxiety, social challenges, or a learning disability. But other times, #kids without a diagnosable problem still have trouble living up to their potential in #school. Here are a few ways that #parents can encourage #kids to put in more effort at #school.

Start by showing #kids that you care about their schoolwork. Check in with them about how classes are going. Let them know that you’re there if they need homework help. Ask what they’re learning and what they like (and don’t like) about the assignments. With older #kids, be sure to give them space, too. If they sense that you’re pressuring them, they might end up feeling resentful and less motivated.

Using positive reinforcement helps. You don’t need to give kids big rewards, but even small ones like a high five or a few extra minutes of screen time can make a difference. It’s also important to praise effort, not results. For example, praise your #child for finishing a tough assignment or taking a class that might be hard. Nobody gets top grades all the time, so make sure your #child knows you don’t expect perfection.

You can also bring in reinforcements if schoolwork is becoming a source of conflict for you and your #child. You could hire an older #student at your child’s #school or a nearby college to help monitor homework and ease #stress on the family. Talking to your child’s #teacher can also give you insight into their #behavior and help you work as a team to encourage them.

Finally, be sure to keep tabs on your own feelings. If you’re getting very frustrated or angry about your child’s #school performance, a #therapist or support group can help.

If you have #a child who is struggling in #school and doesn’t seem to be motivated to make an effort, the first thing you want to do is explore whether there is some obstacle getting in his way. Learning issues, social challenges, attention or emotional problems can all cause kids to disengage academically.

But not all #kids who are underperforming in #school—clearly not living up to their potential—have a diagnosable problem. And there are a number of things #parents can do to help motivate #kids to try harder.

Get involved

As a #parent, your presence in the academic life of your #child is crucial to her commitment to work. Do homework with her, and let her know that you’re available to answer questions. Get in the habit of asking her about what she learned in #school, and generally engage her academically. By demonstrating your interest in your child’s #school life, you’re showing her #school can be exciting and interesting. This is especially effective with young #kids who tend to be excited about whatever you’re excited about. #Teenagers can bristle if they feel you are asking too many questions, so make sure you are sharing the details of your day, too. A conversation is always better than an interrogation.

Likewise, it’s important to stay involved but give older #kids a little more space. If you’re on top of your #daughter all the time about homework, she may develop resistance and be less motivated to work—not to mention the strain it will put on your relationship.

Use reinforcement

Many #parents are nervous about rewarding #kids for good work, and it’s true that tangible rewards can turn into a slippery slope. But there are ways to use extrinsic motivation that will eventually be internalized by your #kid. “#Kids respond really well to social reinforcers like praises, hugs, high fives, and those kinds of things,” says Laura Phillips, PsyD, a neuropsychologist at the #ChildMindInstitute. “Then they start to achieve because it feels good for them.”

Ken Schuster, PsyD, a neuropsychologist at the #ChildMindInstitute encourages #parents to use rewarding activities that would have probably occurred either way, but placing them after a set amount of time doing homework. He suggests treats that are easy to provide but that your #child will enjoy, such as going for ice cream or sharing a candy bar. He also recommends breaking work up in chunks and using small breaks as rewards for getting through each chunk.

Reward effort rather than outcome

The message you want to send is that your respect hard work. Praising #kids for following through when things get difficult, for making a sustained effort, for trying things they’re not sure they can do successfully, can all help teach them the pleasure of pushing themselves. Praise for good grades that come easily can make #kids feel they shouldn’t have to exert themselves.

Help them see the big picture

For older #kids who have developed an understanding of delayed gratification, sometimes simple reminders of their long-term goals can help push them. It can help many #highschool seniors who slack off after getting into college to remind them that they could lose their acceptance if their grades drop too much, or they might not be prepared for college courses. “Linking #school up with their long-term goals can make the work feel more personally fulfilling,” explains Dr. Phillips.

#James Donaldson notes:

Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.

Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.

Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #

Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,

Celebrating Your Gift of Life:

From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy

Let them make mistakes

No one can get A’s on every test or perfect scores on every assignment. While #kids need encouragement and it’s healthy to push them to try their best, know that setbacks are natural. Sometimes the only way #kids learn how to properly prepare for #school is by finding out what happens when they’re unprepared.

Get outside help

One way to take a little tension away from your relationship with your #child is finding an older #student (either at their #school or a nearby college) to help him out with work. Most will charge pretty low rates, and the fact that they’re closer to your kid’s age may make it more likely he’ll listen to what they say.

“Homework was a source of conflict for us,” says Elizabeth, whose son Alex has #ADHD. Elizabeth hired a few Barnard #students to help Alex do his homework on certain nights, she recalls. “He behaved a lot better with them, and it was money well spent for me because I wasn’t fighting and I wasn’t stressed out.”

Make the #teacher your ally

Another one of the most important things you can do for your #child is to work with his #teacher. The #teacher might have additional insight about how to motivate your #child, or what he might be struggling with. Likewise you can share any strategies or information that you have.

When her son was in lower #school and only had one #teacher, Elizabeth would call his #teacher before the first day, introducing herself and alerting the #teacher that her son had #ADHD and that he found it hard to focus. She would give the #teacher little tips that she had found were useful with Alex: Writing multi-step directions on the board, tapping him on the shoulder while walking past to make sure he was paying attention, and other small tweaks that would be useful to any young #child but are especially essential to one with #ADHD.

“Make sure that both #school and home are of one accord,” stresses Kristin Carothers, PhD, a clinical #psychologist. Dr. Carothers often sets up a system she calls the daily report card. With this system, the #child gets points from his #teacher for things like completing work and following directions the first time he gets them. Then he brings those points home, where his #parents give him small rewards, such as extra time on the iPad or playing a game together.

Get support for yourself

It can be just as frustrating to watch your #child withdraw from #school as it can be difficult for the kid himself to focus. Elizabeth says that she often feels judged as a #parent for having a son who struggles so much in #school.

Some #schools have support groups for #parents of #kids who are less motivated, and if your child’s #school doesn’t, Elizabeth encourages setting one up. “It’s very comforting to hear that you’re not alone,” she says. “It’s also helpful to hear people who have gone ahead of you talk about how to navigate the school’s system, find a #therapist, and talk to #teachers.”

“If you’re feeling yourself getting really angry or frustrated with your #kids, take a step back,” Dr. Carothers recommends. “Put things into context.”

It’s also important to keep your goals in perspective: Your #child may not become a star #student. Make sure to focus on the effort she puts in and commitment she shows instead of the outcome. If you expect perfect achievement from a #child who struggles in #school, you’ll drive yourself crazy.

“I’m not trying to get my #child to be someone he’s not,” Elizabeth says about her efforts to help her son. “I just want him to reach his potential.”

Danielle Cohen is a freelance journalist in New York City.

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