Monday, June 13, 2011

Cancer Policy Insurance Information - (Family Heritage)

Along with becoming a published author this year, another thing that I was able to accomplish is that I became a licensed insurance health/disability agent in the state of Washington.

My focus is cancer/health/stroke policies and I work with a great company, Family Heritage that has been providing health insurance policies for over 20 years.

Our cancer policies are unique in that they offer:

-    Return of premium at the end of a stated term (tax free)
-    Qualification for coverage is based solely on current age
-    One policy covers your spouse and dependents under 25 year of age
-    Benefits are paid directly to you

I’m a policy holder also, and for a person my age, my premiums are less than $65 per month!

Take a look at the attachment and if interested, email me, James Donaldson at or voice messages at 1-800-745-3161. 

Family_Heritage_Liberty_Series_BRO-WA(2).pdf Download this file


For even more information, go to

James Donaldson

Licensed Health & Disability Agent

Family Heritage

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