Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Marty Giovacchini, Captain, Washington State University Basketball, 1977)

“I first met James in 1975. He joined our team at Washington State University as a quiet, introverted person with raw, undeveloped physical size and athletic ability. Through his persistent effort, hard work, and determination, he transformed himself into an NBA All-Star and the tremendous person he is today. On a personal note, we still consider James a family friend, and my sons grew up thinking everyone had a seven-foot NBA center and his dogs to play with. I have the first-hand knowledge that James didn’t just write this book; he lives it!

— Marty Giovacchini, Captain, Washington State University Basketball, 1977


James Donaldson’s - Standing Above the Crowd book is now available in ebook format! http://www.amazon.com/Standing-Above-The-Crowd-ebook/dp/B0053HVIF6/ref=sr_1_5...

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

Of course, to order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

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