Sunday, June 12, 2011

Father's Day Gifts - Send a Personally Autographed Copy of Standing Above the Crowd to your Dad (or Father figure!) for Father's Day - June 19th 2011

Father’s Day is June 19th!!!

In my recently published book, Standing Above the Crowd, is have a chapter titled “Dance With My Father” in which I write about the need for Fathers to step up and become more involved in the lives of their children (especially their sons!).

With Father’s Day coming up soon, a great gift for the Father in your life would be a copy of Standing Above the Crowd It’ll be a wonderful way to show that you understand the challenges and struggles that they go through as Fathers, and perhaps even give them a few tips on how to have a better relationship with you.

Here are a few excepts from the chapter “Dance With My Father”

-    One of my all time favorite songs is Luther Vandross’ “Dance with My Father.” It’s the only song that brings tears to my eyes every single time I hear it. If you don’t know the song, I encourage you to search online for the lyrics or to buy the music. I don’t know what kind of relationship Luther Vandross had with his father, but I can only hope that the song was inspired by his own personal experience of his father lifting him high and spinning him round and round before taking him up the stairs and tucking him in for a good night’s sleep.

-    Men, and especially those of you who are fathers, I want you to remember this! You’re not bad guys or bad people! Sure, we get portrayed as buffoons on TV, and we don’t get a lot of respect at home or in any other walk of life, but we all have to remember that we have so much to offer and to give back to young people and to the wonderful relationships we have.

-    A dad means so much to every young boy, and I feel for boys who either didn’t have a dad around or have bad memories of when dad was around. Dads are definitely not perfect, and most dads really struggle in their roles as fathers, but you have to admire the ones who hang in there through it all. If you’re a dad who happens to have a young son, pick him up and swing him around and around, and then carry him off to tuck him into bed. He’ll know he’s loved, and he’ll never forget it!

-    Remember when Bill Cosby was given the title “America’s Favorite TV Dad” after his great portrayal of father Cliff Huxtable on The Cosby Show? Cosby had his own bestselling book Fatherhood, in which he brought a lot of humor to the role of being a father. He has some funny lines like “Fatherhood is...pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope,” and “helping your children learn English as a foreign language,” or “knowing that ‘Everything’s okay, Dad’ means ‘I haven’t killed anyone.’”

I hope that you’re able to enjoy your Fathers and Father figures in your life while their still around to enjoy them.  Let them know they are loved, appreciated and respected, and your relationship will continue to grow and blossom.

Enjoy Standing Above the Crowd and Happy Father’s Day on June 19th!


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James Donaldson’s - Standing Above the Crowd book is now available in ebook format!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

Of course, to order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

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