Sunday, March 31, 2013

James Donaldson Book Review: Adams vs. Jefferson: The Tumultuous Election of 1800 by John Ferling *****

James Donaldson Book Review: Adams vs. Jefferson: The Tumultuous Election of 1800 by John Ferling *****

I love it, when in reading (ah, I mean, listening to) a book, where the author can make the story seem to just jump off the pages and come to life.  That's especially true, when there is already so much in the way of documented writings, books and movies about the topic such as in the Presidential election of 1800 which pitted John Adams against Thomas Jefferson.

Today's politics are pretty tame compared to what used to go on back in the day. What with all of the name calling, cartoon depictions, and sometimes near fisticuffs or a dual in the streets. Yes, today's politics and politicians are downright boring compared to what the author, John Ferling, describes in this book.

I'm not a big history buff, or political junky, but Ferling's book kept my attention and helped me to learn a lot of things that I didn't know about in the early days of our great nation!


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