Monday, September 26, 2022

SeptemberisNationalSuicidePreventionMonth - Talking About #Teen #Suicide Saves Lives 
The South African #Depression and #Anxiety Group (Sadag) is helping #parents, #teachers and the community on how to share difficult conversations around #teen #depression and #suicideprevention

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This is in line with this year’s #Teen #SuicidePreventionWeek.

According to experts, #teens are the most at-risk age group for #suicide in South Africa. The most at-risk age group for #suicide in South Africa are #adolescents and recently we are hearing more and more about #teen suicides in the press all around the country.

The need to talk more about #teen #suicide is important to help #parents, #teachers and communities to identify the risk in our #teens early, empower them to have real conversations about issues that #teens are dealing with and get the urgent help they need.

Talking about #Teen #Suicide saves lives. One #teen #suicide is one too many.

“#Parents are often afraid to use the ‘s’ word when having critical conversations with their #teens. We need to strive to create safe and open spaces for our #teens so that when they are truly in the throes of a crisis, we are their go-to,” says clinical #psychologist, Liane Lurie.

“Talking about #suicide, especially #teen #suicide, is often taboo, too hard, difficult and awkward. The fear of saying the wrong thing, or ‘planting the seed’ is often what #parents and #teachers tell Sadag.

“We want to help #parents and #teachers on how to have #RealConvo’s with their #teens or learners. Being available to talk about #mentalhealth is an important way we can all be there for the people in our lives – whether it’s a #child, friend, family member, colleague or even someone in the community.

“Our willingness to be open, honest and present with the people we care about and talk about #teen #depression and #Suicide, could save a life.

Throughout the week, Sadag will be launching an online campaign called #RealConvo’s sharing important conversation starters, helpful tips on what to say and what not to say, sharing expert videos, and resources on how to talk about #teen #suicideprevention.

“You don’t need special training to have an open, authentic genuine conversation about #mentalhealth. Often, just talking about it can be the first important step in staying connected.”

#James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  # your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife:From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy

On the Sadag website you will find:• Live webinars on its #Facebook page with experts unpacking various angles on #teen #suicide. Prevention includes how to speak to a #teen about #depression and #suicide, what to do after a #suicideattempt and more.• An online campaign through its #socialmedia pages called #RealConvo as Sadag has real conversations about #teen #depression and #suicideprevention. #Facebook: The South African #Depression and #Anxiety Group, #Twitter:@TheSADAG and #Instagram: official_sadag.• A live #Facebook Friday online Q&A, with the topic being Tips for #Parents – After a #SuicideAttempt on February at 13:00 with guest speaker clinical #psychologist Liane Lurie.• #School talks helping #students and #teachers on #teen #suicideprevention.• Radio 702 are taking the opportunity to support their listeners. To support you, they will be implementing an online contact form on their website for anyone who may need crisis intervention or #mentalhealthsupport. They will be hosting a live #teen #suicideprevention webinar on February 17 with 702 host Bongani Bingwa an amazing panel of speakers, #psychiatrist Dr Mashadi Motlana, Miss SA Shudufhadzo Musida and Sadag operational director Cassey Chambers.

“Let us speak about #teen #suicideprevention today so that we may never have to again in the future,” says clinical #psychologist and Sadag board deputy chairperson Zamo Mbele.

“#Teens need to know that help is available and asking for help is something you do at any point when you are battling. It’s difficult asking for help but all you need to say to an #adult who cares, is ‘I need help’. We will listen,” says #psychiatrist Dr Terri Henderson.

If someone you know, your teen, or friend are feeling hopeless, alone or having recurring thoughts of #suicide or death, contact Sadag’s toll-free helpline 0800 567 567 or 0800 21 22 23. Or SMS 31393 and a #counselor will call back or visit

“Take every #suicide mention, threat and attempt seriously. People who have attempted #suicide before, if left untreated and unmanaged, are at greater risk of attempting or completing #suicide,” says Chambers.

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