Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Charles Hall, One of James Donaldson's favorite relatives)

“I remember visits to James’ home when he was a very young, chubby boy who was extremely reserved and polite. As he grew rapidly, no one envisioned that one day he would play basketball in the NBA, but it was apparent that character-wise, he would grow as a Christian and one who would always be concerned about the quality of life for all members of our democratic society. This book reflects the character of the man who has captured the hearts of thousands as he pursues worthy goals on behalf of fellow citizens. He indeed “Stands Above the Crowd” in more ways than one.”

— Charles Hall, James Donaldson’s Relative

Standing_Above_The_Crowd_Cover_File.pdf Download this file
Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Monday, May 30, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Rosa Frankiln, Senate President Pro Tempore, Washington State Senate)

“Standing Above the Crowd is a moving testament of how a caring adult recognized the potential for inspirational leadership in a shy teenager. A must read for adults and young people alike.”

— Rosa Franklin, Senate President Pro Tempore, 2005-2010 Washington State Senate

Standing_Above_The_Crowd_Cover_File.pdf Download this file

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Frank Reed, Author of In God We Trust: Dollars and Sense)

“Standing Above the Crowd should be mandatory reading for every one of our students throughout the country!”

— Frank Reed, author of In God We Trust: Dollars and Sense

Standing_Above_The_Crowd_Cover_File.pdf Download this file

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Mark Edwards, Head Basketball Coach at Washington University - St. Louis and Former WSU Assistant Coach))

“James Donaldson is a ‘will do’ type of guy. Whatever challenges were placed in front of him, he would quietly tackle them with hard work and tremendous focus. He not only dreamed about success, but worked for it, accomplishing much along the way. Be it on the basketball court, in the realm of business, or in the community, James constantly stands above others and serves as an inspiration to all who know him.”

— Mark Edwards (James Donaldson’s former assistant coach at Washington State University), Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Washington University

Standing_Above_The_Crowd_Cover_File.pdf Download this file

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (John "J.J." Johnson, Former NBA Player & Teammate)

“‘Jimmy’ (as I’ve always called him) has always been one to “Stand Above the Crowd.” I remember as if it were yesterday that he would arrive early at the Seattle SuperSonic practices and go through his drills that I taught him until he perfected them. Not many young players are willing to put in the time and effort that Jimmy did. That’s one of the reasons that he had a twenty-year professional basketball career! His Desire, Dedication, and Discipline approach is something everyone can benefit from. It’s been a real treat to watch his growth and progress through the years.”

— John “J.J.” Johnson, Starting Point Forward, NBA World Champion Seattle SuperSonics ’79


Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Perfect Father's Day Gift for Dad and Loved Ones!

Thanks so much to everyone for the nice facebook postings/comments in regards to the book dedication to my Dad!




I thought that I'd include a photo of us from last year.  It's me, Dad and little bro Matt.


A Perfect Father's Day Gift for Dad and Loved Ones!

I just returned from spending several days with my wonderful 84 year old (85 on Saturday!) father in Sacramento this past week.  He’s doing great and is one of the most active and sociable people I know!

He’s so proud of my Standing Above the Crowd www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com book (it’s dedicated to him) and he is all over town telling folks about it.


Dedication_-_Standing_Above_The_Crowd_-_2011.pdf Download this file


It brought to mind that our parents and loved ones aren’t with us forever, so let’s be sure to express our love and appreciation while we’re all around to enjoy it.

If you have a Dad or loved one like mine, let me send him a personally autographed Standing Above the Crowd book.  Go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and order yours now! 

Father’s Day is June 19th 2011!

Monday, May 16, 2011

James Donaldson interview on www.Brainstorminonline.com, Friday 13th 2011

Here's the link from the interview that I did last week on Brainstormin' with Billy.



Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Marvin Kunikiyo, D.C. author of Revolutionizing Your Health)

“Standing Above the Crowd reminds all of us of the tremendous potential we all possess and how to tap into it.”

— Marvin Kunikiyo, D.C., author of Revolutionizing Your Health




Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Harvey Catchings, Former NBA Player & Teammate)

“I have known James since 1984, and through the years I have always felt that he was an extraordinarily intelligent man who would aspire to politics. I would not be surprised if he, one day in the near future, ran for President and won.....!!! “Just don’t forget me, James.”

— Harvey Catchings, Former NBA Player and Teammate


Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

The Breakfast Group - Annual Tie-One-On Luncheon - 05-13-11

Everyone is enjoying reading Standing Above the Crowd!  Here are some of the mentors at The Breakfast Group's Annual Tie-One-On Luncheon which is a mentoring program that mentors young men in our community.  All the young men in the photo and at the luncheon (75) received an autographed copy of Standing Above the Crowd... along with encouragement from their mentors for them to read and apply.

Get your copy now!


Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad! 

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Breakfast Group - Annual Tie-One-On Luncheon - 05-13-11

Everyone is enjoying reading Standing Above the Crowd!  Here we are at The Breakfast Group's Annual Tie-One-On Luncheon which is a mentoring program that mentors young men in our community.  All the young men in the photo and at the luncheon (75) received an autographed copy of Standing Above the Crowd... along with encouragement from their mentors for them to read and apply.

Get your copy now!

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.


Friday, May 13, 2011

James Donaldson interview on www.Brainstorminonline.com

Here's the link http://brainstorminonline.com/james-donaldson-instructs-us-on-standing-above-... to the Brainstorminonline.com radio show that I did this morning.  I thought that it went well, but take a listen and let me know.




Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

James Donaldson doing an interview on www.Brainstorminonline.com, Friday 13th 2011, 10:40am

I'm doing a internet radio show, Friday 13th 2011 on KKZZ from Los Angeles at 10:40am (Pacific Time). 

Website is www.brainstorminonline.com  and you can call in at 805-639-0008 to chat with me.

Should be a good show.  Feel free to call in and chat with me!




Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Article on Pro Athletes Going from Rags to Riches and Back to Rags Again

Here's an interesting article of 10 professional athletes who have gone from rags to riches and then back to rags again.

I am convinced  that athletes in particular, but perhaps all young men and women need positive role models and mentors in their lives to help them with decisions and help keep them accountable.

I write about it in my Standing Above the Crowd book.

It's a shame that the financial rewards of all of that hard work to go down the drain.

I'm on the board with the NBA Retired Players Association and two things that really motivated me to join the board are that (1) less than 20% of the players have a college degree, and (2) 85% of the guys will go through a divorce within 5 years after retirement from a career that last 3 years on average.  Those numbers are about the same for the NFL and MLB.

Anyway, enjoy the article! 



What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Chuck Wright, Licensed Mental Health Counselor)

“Donaldson’s thoughts expressed in Standing Above the Crowd are ideas that are above the crowds but below the clouds. James turns his readers onto some very positive concepts, which they can use not only personally, but also when dealing with others. Being a licensed behavioral health professional, I will suggest Standing Above the Crowd as reading material to several of my clients, especially those who are struggling with self-image issues or those who are having a hard time developing some life goals. My hope is that after reading Standing Above the Crowd, these patients might be motivated to use their unused talents and stand above the crowd.”

— Chuck Wright, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Traumatic Stress Specialist


Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

James Donaldson and NBA Great, Martell Webster at Rainier Vista Boys & Girls Club - May 11th 2011

We had a great time at the Rainier Vista Boys & Girls Club this morning.

I gave Martell a signed copy of Standing Above the Crowd.  He's doing a lot of great things with young people in our community.  Plus, he's a really nice guy!

Thanks Martell for all you do!!!



Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Randy Aliment, Partner, Williams Kastner Law Firm)

“On the first day I met James Donaldson, he shared his personal philosophy on the values of hard work, perseverance, and education. James exemplifies the tenet that the starting point of all achievement is desire, which must remain a constant, because weak desires bring weak results. James’ must-read book shares his positive life philosophy and views on the value of education that will help you to ‘Stand Above the Crowd.’”

— Randy J. Aliment, Partner, Williams Kastner Law Firm

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Jerrod Mustaf, Former NBA Player)

“I had the opportunity to play in the NBA for a few years where I encountered the imposing James Donaldson. It wasn’t until we both finished our careers in Europe that I saw James, the person, who had truly earned the title of Ambassador of Basketball by definitely “Standing Above the Crowd.”

— Jerrod Mustaf, former NBA Player, President of Street Basketball Association

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!

It'll make a great Father's Day gift... especially if it's personally autographed to Dad!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

James Donaldson and WSU Coug Great, Jack "Throwin' Samoan" Thompson with their Standing Above the Crowd books

I caught up with my good buddy and former WSU qauterback great, Jack "Throwin' Samoan" Thompson at a luncheon last week, and we both proudly showed off our copies of Standing Above the Crowd.  Of course, I autographed Jack's copy for him.

For you to get your very own autographed copy, go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and I'll sign it and send it out to you.

Enjoy and happy reading!

P.S. It'll make a great Father's Day gift for Dad!!!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sly & The Family Stone: Babies Making Babies Music Video

A quick follow up to yesterday's Sly & The Family Stone posting.

Another one of my favorite Sly songs is Babies Making Babies.

Check it out!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sly & The Family Stone: If You Want Me To Stay Music Video

Here’s one of my favorite Sly Stone songs.  If you want me to stay.

Coming Back for More: Finding Sly Stone Langston Hughes File Documentary on Sly & The Family Stone


Just got in from an evening at the Langston Hughes African American Film Festival and had a chance to see one of my favorite R&B/Funksters, Sly Stone of Sly & the Family Stone fame being portrayed in a film documentary called “Coming Back for More: Finding Sly Stone”.

He’s been pretty reclusive over the last 20 years.   The documentary captured an enlightening interview and of course was jammed packed with great music throughout.

Check out the video link:

Friday, May 6, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Kenn Thorpe, 5th Degree Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Instructor)

“James Donaldson is the most prolific and the most powerful figure of a Center the Mavericks have ever had (before or since his tenure in Dallas). I have known James Donaldson for over twenty years, and I was his tae kwon do instructor during some of the greatest years in Mavs history. I was honored that James listened to me as a teacher, but he taught me plenty. One of the greatest things he showed me was the importance of his steadfast loyalty to his friends. I know that I can count on James and that he and I will always be friends.”

— Kenn Thorpe, 5th Degree Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Instructor, Dallas, TX

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Marcus Johnson, NBA All-Star)

“If I had a million dollars to wager, I never would have bet that the words James Donaldson and NBA All-Star would have ever been uttered in the same sentence. Because of James’ tremendous focus and drive to be a success, he consistently pushes himself to maximize his potential, and his book Standing Above the Crowd shows us all how to do the same.”

— Marcus Johnson, NBA All-Star and former teammate

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Dr. Stan Newell, D.P.M.)

“I have known James Donaldson since he was a Seattle SuperSonic. Since we saw each other regularly, I was in a unique position to watch James grow. It is easy to see externally how he has grown and succeeded, but I witnessed internal transformation. The growth on the outside pales with his spiritual growth.”

— Stan Newell, D.P.M., .A.C.F.A.S

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Pat Williams, Orlando Magic Senior Vice President)

“James Donaldson writes with a world of experience in many different fields. Read, enjoy, and then apply all of his insights and wisdom.”

— Pat Williams, Orlando Magic senior vice president, author of Bear Bryant on Leadership

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Monday, May 2, 2011

James Donaldson on Margaret Larson's "New Day Northwest" Show - May 2nd, 11am on King 5

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Kenny Lyles, General Manager, Fisherman's Terminal)

“I followed James’ professional basketball career, and brimmed with pride to see him excel with the Dallas Mavericks and the Seattle Supersonics. I had a chance to connect with James to talk about his political aspirations, and how I could support his latest endeavor. I had a chance to get to know James as a person, and not just as a former opponent on the basketball court. I found James to be an intelligent man, who was dedicated to education and possessed a commitment to personal health and wellness, for not just himself, but for others as well. James is a deep thinker, and his insight provides us with something we can all learn and grow from.”

— Kenneth R. Lyles, General Manager Fishermen’s Terminal/Maritime Industrial Center

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

James Donaldson on Margaret Larson's "New Day Northwest" Show - May 2nd, 11am on King 5

Watch James on Margaret Larson’s New Day Northwest show as he talks about his new book, “Standing Above the Crowd”.  James will talk about the importance of mentoring, setting goals, staying positive and helping our young men in particular to make better decisions.  www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com

Monday, May 2nd 2011 at 11am on King 5 TV

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Katie Artt, High School Student)

“Thank you for coming to my school today! When I heard we were having an assembly I was sort of disappointed....They tend to be boring. But when you were done speaking, I was yet again disappointed; but not because of the speech you gave, but because I didn’t want for you to be done. What you were saying out there was really inspirational. I really did take something away from this assembly….I’d really like to hear more of what you’ve got to say, which brings me to ask about your book. I’d really like to read it myself.”

— Katie Artt, high school student in Washington State

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.