Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Perfect Father's Day Gift for Dad and Loved Ones!

I just returned from spending several days with my wonderful 84 year old (85 on Saturday!) father in Sacramento this past week.  He’s doing great and is one of the most active and sociable people I know!

He’s so proud of my Standing Above the Crowd www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com book (it’s dedicated to him) and he is all over town telling folks about it.


Dedication_-_Standing_Above_The_Crowd_-_2011.pdf Download this file


It brought to mind that our parents and loved ones aren’t with us forever, so let’s be sure to express our love and appreciation while we’re all around to enjoy it.

If you have a Dad or loved one like mine, let me send him a personally autographed Standing Above the Crowd book.  Go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and order yours now! 

Father’s Day is June 19th 2011!

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