Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Article on Pro Athletes Going from Rags to Riches and Back to Rags Again

Here's an interesting article of 10 professional athletes who have gone from rags to riches and then back to rags again.

I am convinced  that athletes in particular, but perhaps all young men and women need positive role models and mentors in their lives to help them with decisions and help keep them accountable.

I write about it in my Standing Above the Crowd book.

It's a shame that the financial rewards of all of that hard work to go down the drain.

I'm on the board with the NBA Retired Players Association and two things that really motivated me to join the board are that (1) less than 20% of the players have a college degree, and (2) 85% of the guys will go through a divorce within 5 years after retirement from a career that last 3 years on average.  Those numbers are about the same for the NFL and MLB.

Anyway, enjoy the article!


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