Monday, May 2, 2011

What People Are Saying About James Donaldson and his "Standing Above the Crowd" book (Kenny Lyles, General Manager, Fisherman's Terminal)

“I followed James’ professional basketball career, and brimmed with pride to see him excel with the Dallas Mavericks and the Seattle Supersonics. I had a chance to connect with James to talk about his political aspirations, and how I could support his latest endeavor. I had a chance to get to know James as a person, and not just as a former opponent on the basketball court. I found James to be an intelligent man, who was dedicated to education and possessed a commitment to personal health and wellness, for not just himself, but for others as well. James is a deep thinker, and his insight provides us with something we can all learn and grow from.”

— Kenneth R. Lyles, General Manager Fishermen’s Terminal/Maritime Industrial Center

Standing Above the Crowd is now available!!!  

To order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

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