Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Introductory Paragraphs to Standing Above the Crowd by James Donaldson

For readers, the title of this book—Standing Above the Crowd—might evoke a chuckle or a nod of recognition as they notice that the author is over seven feet tall. But my goal in writing it is to create more than a simple autobiography about my life as a tall man who played in the NBA. My purpose is to share success strategies and life lessons that, if followed, can give anyone the opportunity not just to stand out from the crowd, but to Stand Above the Crowd.


James Donaldson’s - Standing Above the Crowd book is now available in ebook format! You'll find it on Amazon (just type my name into the search bar)

Of course, to order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to www.StandingAboveTheCrowd.com and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

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