Thursday, October 6, 2011

Introductory Paragraphs to Standing Above the Crowd by James Donaldson - #3

I take the approach that “Anyone can succeed; you just have to try and apply yourself.” How many times have you found yourself wanting to take advantage of an opportunity that’s right in front of you, only to talk yourself out of it because you didn’t think you were up to the task? I’m here to tell you that all successful people have the same thoughts, fears, and apprehensions, yet the successful ones continue to forge ahead anyway. Successful people are not afraid to try and sometimes come up short. Successful people don’t always bat 1,000. Successful people have many failures you never hear about before you finally learn of the success that brings them to our attention.


James Donaldson’s - Standing Above the Crowd book is now available in ebook format! You'll find it on Amazon (just type my name into the search bar)

Of course, to order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

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