Friday, June 16, 2023

#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – Spot The Warning Signs Of A #MentalHealthCrisis

#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – Spot The Warning Signs Of A #MentalHealthCrisis



Addiction Prevention Coalition

There are many factors that can cause our #mentalhealth to falter, leading to #anxiety, #depression, #substanceusedisorders and more. But there is support, and it’s within easy reach thanks to #AddictionPreventionCoalition (#APC)—a local nonprofit community resource whose vision is to be a leader in addiction prevention by inspiring people to live with hope, resilience and purpose. Read on to learn about their free #MentalHealth First Aid training for #adults, #teens and #youth across Birmingham and why you should sign up today.

About #MentalHealth First Aid training

mental health

When someone you know is having a #mental or #behavioralhealthcrisis, it can be tough. You’ll likely wonder what you can do to help. This is where APC steps in with free #MentalHealth First Aid training. 

These free training courses:

- Teach people the best responses if faced with situations that involve someone facing a #mental or #behavioralhealth crises. 

- Help people gain an understanding of what people may need during and after a crisis.

- Help people gain insight into recovery + resiliency, and how individuals experiencing these challenges can and do get better.

“I enjoyed the #MentalHealth First Aid training! It was very informative. It was presented in a way that had me think outside the box on how to approach people that have expressed #suicide. I can now confidently check for warning signs and ask them if they are in need of assistance.” #MentalHealth First Aid participant 

What are the signs of a #mental or #behavioral health crisis?

These #students have learned about how to identify a #mentalhealthcrisis in friends and peers

Some common signs and symptoms of someone who may be struggling with their #mentalhealth include:

- Acute #psychosis (hallucinations or delusions)

- Agitation

- #Anxiety

- #Depression

- Panic attacks

- Poor #self-care

- #Suicidalthoughts or #behaviors

- Non-suicidal #self-injury

- And more

To sign up for free #MentalHealth First Aid training, contact Addiction Prevention Coalition today.

3 types of #MentalHealth First Aid training

Addiction Prevention CoalitionLearning to help others

APC offers three types of #MentalHealth First Aid training. Here’s a look at each:

1. #Adult #MentalHealth First Aid

For: Ages 18+, #employers and #employees, #policeofficers, hospital staff, #firstresponders and caring individuals

What you’ll learn: 

- How to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of #mentalhealth and #substanceuse challenges among other #adults + how to interact with a person in a crisis. 

- #Self-care + #trauma care first aid.

*#Adult #MentalHealth First Aid training is available in person and virtually.

2. #Teen #MentalHealth First Aid

Addiction Prevention Coalition

For: #Teens in #highschool, grades 10-12

What you’ll learn: 

- How to identify common signs and symptoms of #mentalillness, #substanceuse and #mentalhealthcrises like #suicide, among their friends and peers

- How to have open conversations relating to #mentalillness + addiction with friends

- The impact of #school violence + #bullying on #mentalhealth

- How to seek help when needed

*#Teen #MentalHealth First Aid training is available in person only.

#James Donaldson notes:
Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.
Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.
Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.
Find out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundation
website                            Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,
From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy


3. #Youth #MentalHealth First Aid

Addiction Prevention Coalition#Adults in charge of #youth can learn to identify common signs of a #mentalhealthchallenge in #students

For: #Adults, #teachers, #school staff, #coaches, #counselors, #youth group leaders, #parents and all other populations that work with #youth

What you’ll learn: 

- How to identify and understand the signs of #mentalhealth and #substanceuse challenges among #children and #adolescents ages 12-18

- Common signs and symptoms of #mentalhealthchallenges in this age group, such as #anxiety, #depression, #ADHD and #eatingdisorders

- Common signs of #substanceuse challenges

- How to interact with a #child or #adolescent in a crisis

- How to connect #youth with the proper help

- #Trauma, #self-care + the impact of #socialmedia on #bullying

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