Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Brittney Henry - Miss Washington 2011 to attend Standing Above the Crowd book launch! Sept. 20th (The Sip, Seattle) & Sept. 27th (Maggiano's, Bellevue)

Miss Washington 2011 - Brittany Henry


What a thrilling, joyful, exhilarating, experience the last few days have been! Overnight my entire life has changed and I am taking in every moment!

At the Miss Washington Awards Banquet on Saturday night I expressed how grateful I am to have been chosen to represent ALL of the title holders from the class of 2011 and this sentiment will not soon change! All of the other contestants are so beautiful, talented, intelligent, accomplished and it is the greatest HONOR to represent all of them!

I have MANY MANY goals for this year as Miss Washington but these are the most important ones that I will hold onto throughout the year:

1) To cherish every moment as Miss Washington and never lose sight of the honor it is to be in this position. I forsee moments where this job will be trying and I want to always remember how lucky I am to be in this position and savor every moment, good and challenging.

2) To use the “power of the crown” to share my story with as many children in our state as possible! Many of you have heard me mention before that there are 40,000+ low-income children in Washington State. As a young teen I battled depression and low-self esteem issues directly related to my family’s financial status and challenges at home. I can only imagine how much it would have meant to me seeing someone DEMONSTRATE to me what possibilities lie on the other side of a college education. Having been one of those children myself, It’s very important to me to share the accomplishments that I have made with all of these children who are living in similar situations.

3) Rick Brinkley said in his speech to the Miss Washington contestants, ” As Miss Washington, it’s the memory they have of you that will change their life OR change the value of our program in their eyes.”  As the Face of the Miss Washington Organization I want to honor this remarkable program with every moment of my reign. I plan to show the community through their interactions with me, how influential this program is for the development of strong, confident, and committed women for our society.

My goal for this blog is to bring you along this amazing journey with me every step of the way! I will share with you the experiences, events that I will be involved with, my preparations for Miss America, my feelings and emotions throughout this journey and I’m sure many random other things as well. I want YOUR INSIGHT! Please comment and ask me questions, share with me things that you want more information about, particular experiences you might be interested in etc. I am YOUR Miss Washington and I want YOU to be involved all year long!


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