Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Standing Above the Crowd Chapter Summaries and Excerps - Chapter 17: - Dance With My Father

One of my all time favorite songs is Luther Vandross’ “Dance with My Father.” It’s the only song that brings tears to my eyes every single time I hear it. If you don’t know the song, I encourage you to search online for the lyrics or to buy the music. I don’t know what kind of relationship Luther Vandross had with his father, but I can only hope that the song was inspired by his own personal experience of his father lifting him high and spinning him round and round before taking him up the stairs and tucking him in for a good night’s sleep.

I love the song because it reminds me so much of my early childhood memories with my father. Not that he would spin me around until I fell asleep, but I remember how often he would send me off to bed after checking to see whether I had finished my homework and taken care of all my chores around the house. I respected my dad so much that just knowing he cared enough to check on me meant so much. My dad isn’t the overly emotional type; in fact, he’s always been the strong silent type (I don’t think I’ve ever seen him shed a tear). He wasn’t the type to take me out back and toss the ball with me or shoot hoops with me, but he was always around and he instilled in me all the qualities I would need to become the “fine young man” I grew up to be.


James Donaldson’s - Standing Above the Crowd book is now available in ebook format! You'll find it on Amazon (just type my name into the search bar)

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