Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This Gift of Life by Teddy Pendergrass

This Gift of Life – Teddy Pendergrass

After a visit to a dying friend, father figure and mentor this morning, and then attending the funeral of another wonderful friend, father figure and mentor this afternoon… it caused me to have a few “moments of reflection” on how truly blessed we all are.

Enjoy this gorgeous blessed day, stay positive, and take time to “slow it down and smell the roses”.

Enjoy this beautiful song from Teddy Pendergrass - “This Gift of Life”.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7CY8YckTdc

He says it all with a terrific message in the music. 

If any of us are complaining about our 80 degree weather this week... shame on ya!

Enjoy your day and spread the love!

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