Friday, September 9, 2011

Standing Above the Crowd Chapter Summaries and Excerps - Chapter 5: Education & Faith - Someone Is Looking Out For You

This chapter’s message is directed primarily to my younger readers or those who have some influence over them.

I’ve found two things on my journey through life that will never leave me—my education and my faith. No matter what happens to me, both are always with me. The same may or can be true for you.

As a high achiever all my life, I have found myself surrounded by some people who are attracted to me because of the achievements I’ve attained—what I’ve done. They’re the type of people who leave you just as quickly when times are bad. I saw that happen when I was with the Dallas Mavericks, at the apex of my career. When I suffered a career-threatening knee injury, all of a sudden, the so-called friends who used to pal around with me just left. They dropped me like a bad habit because it didn’t look like I was ever going to play in the NBA again. I quickly learned who my true friends were.

At that time, I also realized that no matter what happened to me personally or in my career, two things would always be with me: what I had learned and what I believe. One is an actual, physical, tangible experience, and the other is part of your personal and spiritual growth. One you can display symbolically on your wall in the form of a diploma, and the other hangs in your inner being. You can take your diploma off the wall and rip it into shreds, but you’re still educated. Your faith can be shaken to the core, but when you regain your balance, your faith remains. Education and faith never leave.

Friends come and go. Family members pass away. Fame and fortune can be temporary. Success can be fleeting. Education and faith, if you have them, will be with you throughout your life.

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James Donaldson’s - Standing Above the Crowd book is now available in ebook format! You'll find it on Amazon (just tpye my name into the search bar)

Of course, to order your own personally autographed copy for only $19.95, please go to and James Donaldson will personally autograph your book to you.

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