Friday, September 2, 2011

Standing Above The Crowd - Small Business Entrepreneur's Top 10 Playbook to Business Success #10

A Small Business Entrepreneur’s Top 10 Playbook

As a small business entrepreneur for over 20 years and a former professional athlete with a career that spanned about the same amount of time, I've been able to utilize aspects of both those endeavors that have helped enable me to become a successful small business person.

Like a well played game, all businesses will go through their natural cycles of ebbs and flows.  You, as a small business entrepreneur, need to know when to call a timeout, change out your players or when to run another play.  Sports has taught me the value of team play, camaraderie, working towards common goals, learning from your temporary setbacks and the ability to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on going.

If I were to put together a top 10 list of "must haves" whether you’re a startup company or a well-established business, it would go something like this.

# 10: Find Your MVP -

In order for a small business to thrive, it's important for it to operate as a team.  In order for a team to thrive, it will have many movable and variable parts that need to stay coordinated together.

Every team has an MVP (Most Valuable Person) who the owner feels comfortable and confident enough in to have that person has his/her "Go - To - Guy".  For me that person is my operations manager, Rosemary Bennetts, who has been with me from day one over 20 years ago.

Your MVP may or may not be the most visible or well known person on the team.  Your MVP may be someone who is tucked away in a back office, with their sleeves rolled up, and battling daily in the trenches in order to keep your business running.  Your MVP may be your front desk person, or your hot shot salesperson that you have out in the community.  Whatever the case, work closely with your MVP (they most likely know how the business works better than you do) and recognize them and appreciate them in an appropriate manner.


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The article "A Small Business Entrepreneur's Top 10 Playbook" was written and submitted by James Donaldson, president and owner of The Donaldson Clinic of Mill Creek, Wa.  Established 1990. 

Donaldson is the author of Standing above the Crowd: Success Strategies in Athletics, Business, Community and Life.  For more information go to  and/or contact him at    

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